
carpenter ants prevention tips

Carpenter Ants Prevention Tips

Carpenter ants love warm damp weather as we have in Canada pretty much all year long. It is during rainy seasons that these ants like to make home invasion attempts and infest the wood in your home. The big issue in destroying carpenter ants is finding and killing the nest. The nest is rarely in…

which insects destroy wooden furniture

Carpenter Ants and Treated Wood – What You Need to Know

Contrary to popular belief carpenter ants do not have any interest in consuming wood, unlike termites. Rather, carpenter ants use their mandibles to construct an interacting network inside of wooden structures by tunnelling and digging their way into it. This can also extend to mulch which leads to severe consequences. You need to know how…

When You Need to Call Ant Control Services

When You Need to Call Ant Control Services

Contacting an exterminator Toronto service as soon as you spot your first sighting of any insect is a very good measure to take before things turn for the worst. DIY solutions might be the most cost-effective way but it may be left to a lot of disappointment once you find out that you might have…

Carpenter Ant Infestation During the Winter

Carpenter Ant Infestation During the Winter

Like most insects, carpenter ants will normally go in hibernation during the winter months. This is due to the insect anatomy requiring heat to thrive, which is absent during the coldest months of the year. Due to climate change, this is becoming more and more of a rarer situation, specifically in certain areas of Canada…

How to Deal with Carpenter Ants in Wall Voids

Termites or Carpenter Ants – Know the Difference

A confusing issue for homeowners throughout Toronto is the commonalities that exist between carpenter ants and termites. Both of these insect types destroy wood, but only termites both colonize wood and eat it at the same time. Carpenter ants have no appetite but still can cause a lot of structural damage with the formation of…

Signs of Carpenter Ants in the House

Carpenter Ant Infestation Signs

Carpenter ants are generally black in colour but some are reddish/maroon or a combination of these colours all together. Some worker ants have wings and are often confused with termites. Winged carpenter ants have to pairs of wings where the rear ones are smaller than the front pair. Termites, on the other hand, have equal-size…

Ant Queens and Carpenter Ant Colony

Ant Queens and Carpenter Ant Colony

Carpenter ants colonies are an amazingly complex network of social interactions, which is really a wonder of evolutionary innovation. Each type of carpenter ant has a certain role to play. The queen is the most important carpenter ant within a colony because of her ability to lay eggs and birth future generations. Her role is…

How Fast Do Carpenter Ants Destroy Wood

Do Carpenter Ants Destroy Wood

It may vary considering that ants need several stages and years before causing any significant damage. But in most cases, it takes a long while before somebody has found any indication of an ant infestation. Do not let carpenter ants destroy your wooden furniture even further. Carpenter ants are known to infest mulch and you can…

what does a carpenter ant nest look like

Professional Exterminator for Carpenter Ant Infestation

Unlike termites, carpenter ants do not eat wood. Instead, they create their nests within wooden structures, chewing through the wood to create a home. Generally, carpenter ants prefer moist, hollow, or decaying wood, but then also nest inside homes where there’s a ready supply of sweet food to be had. To rid your home of…

which insects destroy wooden furniture

How to Deal with Carpenter Ant Infestation in Cellulose Insulation?

Carpenter ants like certain types of insulation due to their moist and warm properties which make it an ideal structure to build a nest in. While fibreglass and other types of foam insulations can be shelters for carpenter ants, you just may be in luck if your attic and walls are lined with cellulose insulation.…