exterminators toronto






Pests in your home aren’t just unsightly. They wreck havoc chewing support beams and destroying wires, and carry a host of disease-causing organisms in their droppings and urine. The Exterminators offers a warranty for six months for all pest control in Oshawa. Our technicians return to the site within the warranty period and for as long as it takes to eliminate the pest problem completely.

The Exterminators Inc. IN Oshawa
We are fully licensed and insured to provide both residential and commercial pest control.

new-6-months-warranty for all pest control service


Effective services with a focus on customer needs. Fully licensed and insured pest control company for all pests. We service both residential and commercial customers using top of the line products and tools. Pest Control Services in Oshawa






Mice are prevalent across Oshawa. This might not come as a surprise seeing that most old structures have crevices, holes, or foundational gaps from which the mice can enter through. You might catch a live mouse scouring for food and water, or even see droppings the size of grains of rice. It might not have occurred before, but generations of offsprings and their dead precursors might be present in your walls right now as mice can breed at a very fast rate starting at just a couple of weeks old. If you see any of these signs it is best to contact  Pest Control Oshawa –  The  to provide you with exceptional service. We treat your mouse problem effectively by giving you the treatments needed indoors and well as outdoors to make mice things of the past. Contact us to find out more!


Rats are mostly a species of rodents that like to spend their time outside unlike the common house mouse that has been pestering Oshawa residents as long as time can tell. Rats are highly infectious animals as they make no distinction between clean and dirty places. This should cause concern as being exposed to rat droppings, urine, or salvia can have serious effects on your health – Not to mention the stench that permeates your house when a dead rat is decomposing. Rats make their way in through crevices, holes, or foundational gaps. One common way through which a rat gains access is often through a left open garage door. Rats are quite destructive in nature and can chew through wires, cables, household appliances, and much more in a very short span of time. If you see any of the previously mentioned signs, you might be in for an unpleasant surprise. You are in the midst of a rat infestation that you need to take care of as soon as possible. Contact us now and let us walk you through our process.



Cockroaches are frankly hated across Oshawa and are often met with reactions of disgust and revolt. It is important that you spot signs of a cockroach infestation. Seeing a live cockroach during daytime can never be a good indication, as cockroaches are nocturnal creatures meaning that their activity is supposed to take place during the night. Looking for live cockroaches might be difficult to do since they prefer the dark, moist, and secluded areas of your home. Cockroaches are a crawling health hazard as they can carry several diseases that can contaminate food and surfaces while they walk on them. The Oshawa–Exterminators.Inc provide you with cost-effective safe indoor treatments that can make your house cockroach-free in the matter of a few weeks.   Contact Pest Control Oshawa – The now to find out the details for yourself!

Residential Pest Control Oshawa

residential pest control Toronto

We have experience operating in all kinds of residential buildings including apartments, condos, multi-family homes and more.

The Exterminators Oshawa adheres to provincial and federal laws and guidelines covering which kinds of chemicals are safe to use in homes. We pride ourselves in environmentally responsible extermination and go out of our way to cause as little disruption as possible while working on your property. Our team of experts shares decades of knowledge and expertise between them and able to handle even the most persistent and well hidden pests. We have the equipment to treat even the smallest gaps, cracks and cervices.


A name you can trust. We do not put pests in their place. We send pests packing.  We draw from our decades of experience in pest control to see every job through. To the bitter end. Literally. We actually enjoy doing so!


All services and products are used in a safe way in accordance to provincial and federal laws and guidelines. Safe for you, your family, your pets, but certainly not safe for pests!


All services are backed by our guarantee. We take pride in our work and we follow through. If pests return in the warranty period so do we at no additional cost.

A team with decades of experience and a wealth of knowledge. Every member of our team has loads of real time problem solving experience. Just give us a call! You are in good hands!

Commercial Pest Control Oshawa

restaurant pest control

We offer pest removal services to office buildings, retail spaces, restaurants, factories, warehouses and other commercial properties.

Our professionals understand the need for discretion and arrive in unmarked vehicles. We are happy to offer customized pest solutions that are relevant for your specific business and situation.

The Exterminators Inc. takes special care not to interfere with the crucial operations of the business. This may require that we work after hours, during off peak hours or whenever is most convenient. Lastly, we offer emergency services. Some industries, such as the food service business, are sensitive and you may not be able to wait for operating hours to get rid of pests in a commercial kitchen. We are a local company and our technicians are able to arrive at your location in good time.


We understand hospitality, the urgency, customers and the desire to be the best in your craft. Rest assured we work smart in getting your pest problems solved. We will send them packing!


Pest eradication and maintenance. Customers and employees need a pest free environment. Let us make sure this is the case. We offer the most comprehensive programs in the business.

commercial office space

Pest problems are not only bothersome for restaurants and commercial kitchens, they can be a problem for any type of business setting, office spaces and office kitchens included.


With constant traffic going through, warehouses and factories are particularly sensitive to pest problems. Rodent problems in particular. They can enter through open doors and loading docs and grow in numbers over time.


Signs You Need a Professional Exterminator in Oshawa

Many homeowners don’t appreciate the role of professional pest control in resolving the problem permanently. Most only call an exterminator when they have tried DIY extermination several times and failed. Common signs you need professional pest control in Oshawa include;

Heavy infestation: the most likely reason you are seeing roaches in the daytime is the infestation is so large that some have been displaced. A heavy infestation can be overwhelming and the temptation may be to spray pesticides and chemicals indiscriminately. This approach is ill advised since there is a high chance of the contaminating food preparation surfaces, dishes, drinking water and stored food.

Recurring pest problems: you may find that the pests return after every few weeks despite your best efforts to eliminate them. Some pests are more difficult to deal with than others.  A professional exterminator in Oshawa can easily solve this problem because he has the right training and proper equipment to eliminate the problem once and for all.

Bed bug problem: bed bugs are almost impossible to eliminate permanently on your own. These hide in unlikely places including inside appliances, in between book pages and behind wall paper among others. An expert eye is definitely required to successfully eliminate bed bugs.

Stinging insects: bees and wasps are among the most dangerous pests to attempt to eliminate on your own. There is the obvious risk of getting stung which is not only painful but fatalities from sting allergies are not uncommon.  You may also be putting your pets, children, the elderly and neighbors at risk of attack by disturbing the hive without proper training.

Wood boring insects: such as carpenter ants raise serious structural concerns and need to be eliminated as a matter of urgency.

DIY pest control has a high failure rate. There are many technical aspects that comprise a successful extermination. Most pesticides available over-the-counter do not contain the active ingredients required to kill most household pests. Stringent chemical and pesticide regulations in Oshawa limit potent and effective products only to licensed exterminators and other professionals.

Call us now to book an inspection


Anything that intrudes your home from the outdoors can never be good to your personal health. Pests like to spend most of their time in the most unsanitary places imaginable bringing with them harmful bacteria which easily can cause you to fall ill when you come in indirect or indirect contact with them. For example, rats and mice can carry up to thirty-five diseases through viruses such as Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome and Leptospirosis. They were also  responsible for the Plague as well.

 In nature, looks can be deceiving. These seemingly cute creatures can have a grave impact on your health as well as others around you. Cockroaches carry an exhaustive list of harmful viruses as their diet consists of a range of unappetizing things such as dead animals, human excrement, and filth. Seeing  live roaches immediately calls for action as their presence is even known to cause allergic reactions. Call us pest control service The Exterminators.Inc for more information on our treatments.


Buying 20 of the same products is repetitive and makes no sense  It is absurd right? It is time-consuming and very inefficient. This is what the majority of people are actually doing when dealing with pests every time they set foot in a store. Using not only inefficient products but also wasting money at the same time all while the pests are multiplying by the day. 

Dealing with pests yourself is frankly a lost battle. Store-bought products are just not potent enough to treat pests, and even if they were, it still would not be enough for the thousands of creeping and crawling bugs that made your home into their home. A professional licensed pest control technician has a true potent arsenal at his or her disposal that is approved by the provincial government whereas consumer-grade store-bought brands do not enjoy the same privilege. The expertise and training paired with effective environmental-friendly formulations is a guarantee that your home can be declared pest-free in no time. Hiring a reputable pest control service like pest control service The Exterminators.Inc is truly an investment that will not disappoint.



As not only being the most recommended and trustworthy partner when it comes to pest control all across the Greater Toronto Area, we also have the most knowledgable, professional, and skillful technicians standing by to give you the most comfortable experience possible when dealing with something as upsetting as pests. Our technicians know very well that pest control is a very sensitive subject.

That is why we chose to deploy our technicians in an unmarked vehicle so that you can rest assured that your issue is being dealt with in the most discreet way possible. In all of our treatments, we take the utmost care in identifying the source of the issue by conducting a full exterior inspection. By treating the issue by means of deploying our best tools and formulations. To ultimately preventing the issue from reoccurring by sealing up entry points such as holes, crevices, foundational gaps, or vents. We service all of the Greater Toronto Area, so you can rest assured that your issue will be dealt with as soon as possible. Call pest control service The Exterminators.Inc so we can be on our way soon!

Why us?


If contractual pests return following service and within the guarantee and warranty period we will return at no additional cost. We work hard on keeping our customers pest free. We guarantee every service and provide extensive warranties to make sure pests are gone and our customers are happy. Call Exterminator Oshawa.

the exterminators guarantee service