How to Deal with Carpenter Ants in Wall Voids

Termites or Carpenter Ants – Know the Difference

A confusing issue for homeowners throughout Toronto is the commonalities that exist between carpenter ants and termites. Both of these insect types destroy wood, but only termites both colonize wood and eat it at the same time. Carpenter ants have no appetite but still can cause a lot of structural damage with the formation of carpenter ant frass . A clear indicator to differentiate between the two is the appearance of the insects: carpenter ants are black with a slimmer build in comparison to termites who may appear yellow, brown, or white with a much thicker abdomen and the thorax. There are also a lot of differences in their behaviour patterns.

Termites are a species of insect that eats the cellulose material found inside of wood. They can serve beneficial purposes to the environment, but this is not the case once they make their way inside of homes, where a colony can destroy the wood foundation of a home in a few years’ time. Termites share many traits with carpenter ants, such as a commonality for burrowing through the wood, both indoors and out, as well as the production of frass, which is the wood structure they are burrowing through reduced to a small mulch.

Termite frass will also include termite droppings since termites will also rat the wood in addition to expelling the interior wood to create an accessible tunnel. Carpenter ant frass will not include pellet-shaped droppings mixed in with it, as they do not eat the wood they are burrowing through. Both species also create exit holes in the wood structures they have infested. These exit holes are for removing frass and waste, as well as holes to allow workers  to escape the colony. Carpenter ants do not usually create circle-shaped holes, so this might give one clue as to differentiate between the two insects.

Carpenter ants will also branch out to other types of structures to colonize, such as insulation, whereas termites will typically only remain inside of wood. Termites do not forage for food since they are living inside of their food source. You will likely see carpenter ants much more than termites due to the ants’ need to venture out to find food and moisture reserves for the wider colony. Termites will also create mud tunnels along walls, floors, and ceilings, whereas carpenter ants will typically not include mud tunnels to travel.

Response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) we have taken some measures in updating our procedures when working on pest control jobs such as using a non-toxic formulation that does not require you to vacate your home as we all practice social-distancing to tackle the propagation of the virus. Additionally, upon request, we will wear protective gear to make you feel at ease during these unprecedented times where we all need to be extra careful in doing our job.

Termite or Carpenter Ants – Know the Difference

Know the difference between termite and carpenter ants. Termites and ants, particularly carpenter ants, often take up residence in the same place. For instance, they may both inhabit a hollow tree or a rotting stump or log. Because they often live so close to one another, it can be hard to tell the difference between the two. Before you call a pest control expert, you should know which pest invades your home or property.

Difference Between Termite and Carpenter Ants:

Termite Identification

Both carpenter ants and termites often create damage to wood in and around your home. Since they also often look alike, it is hard to know the difference unless you know what differences to identify. Fortunately, it is not as hard to differentiate between the two as it might seem.

Termites and carpenter ants may share similar behaviours, but that does not mean they are the same pest. You can identify a termite by taking a look more closely at physical appearances. Termites have a rectangular shape to them, which means they do not have a narrow waistline. When you’re dealing with carpenter ants it is best to hire the skilled technicians at Carpenter Ant Control Toronto to have your home declared pest-free in no time!

If you were to look closely enough, you may also notice that termites have antennae on their heads. The antennae are straight with no bends and appear beaded. Termites are also winged pests and they have a total of four wings to help them when they enter a swarm mode. Of course, carpenter ants share some similarities, but that does not mean they are the same.

Carpenter Ant Identification

Carpenter ants have a defined waistline that is narrow. That narrow waistline sits between the ant’s upper and lower body, which gives it more of an hourglass figure rather than rectangular one like termites. Carpenter ants, like termites, also have antennae on their head. However, the antennae of a carpenter ant have an elbow-like bend in them.

Just like termites, carpenter ants often enter a swarm mode, especially in the spring. Therefore, the carpenter ant has wings. However, if you look closely enough at the ant, you can see the wings are different sizes. Carpenter ants have four wings, like the termite. However, the front wings are longer than the back wings.

If you notice a pest in your home, contact a pest control professional. If you fail to destroy the entire ant colony, including the queen, ants will continue to invade your home repeatedly. Termites will also invade your home. To avoid issues with an infestation, have a professional pest control Toronto assist you in dealing with unwanted, unnecessary invaders.