mice control


The Importance of Sealing Soffit and Fascia Gaps with Caulking

Sealing the soffit and fascia gaps are important because it prevents rodents and wildlife animals from taking advantage of these spaces. The way they can access the interior of the building is by force or by squeezing through these gaps or even chewing through the soffit. Some of the most common household pests and wildlife…

How Do Mice Get in Your House and How Do You Catch Them

How Do Mice Get in Your House and How Do You Catch Them?

Mice might be pests, but they are also clever resourceful creatures. They will enter your home by any means necessary in search of food and water. Understanding how mice enter your home, why they do it, and how to catch them can help you rid your home of a mouse infestation, remember that the best…

Where Do Mice Tend to Hide In a House?

If you notice an increase in rodent activity when cold weather sets in, it is not a coincidence. Like humans, mice prefer a warm home and will nest inside your house if the weather outside is unforgiving. Mice, however, nest inside homes in Toronto in any weather so even one mouse in your home can…

What Do Mice Eat

How Well Do Mouse Traps Work?

Mouse traps are among the most effective rodent control methods and are relied on heavily by many professional exterminators in Canada. The effectiveness may vary depending on the type of mouse trap because there are several different types including; electric traps, plastic snap traps, plastic enclosed snap traps and catch-and-release traps also known as live…

Best Rodent Control Methods

Best Rodent Control Methods for Mice – DIY vs. Professional

Mice are pests that typically put homeowners off. Regardless, just like any other pest, they still somehow find their way indoors to scavenge for food and comfortable hiding spots. However, apart from being nuisances, mice are also prone to be hazardous to the health of homeowners. Their feces and urine usually contain bacteria that leads…

How To Catch A Mouse – Is it Really Only One?

A mouse might look cute and fuzzy on TV, but in reality, it signifies the destruction of property and stress to Toronto homeowners. The worst part is that mice can defecate and urinate all over your place and transmit different diseases. They’re also intelligent, resourceful, and can sometimes be difficult to eliminate without the help…

Small Mice in House – Mouse Reproductive Rates

Are You Seeing Small Mice in The House? If you are seeing tiny mice scurrying around in your house chances are you are seeing signs of the new generation. Mice are known to be very invasive rodents. Their most significant reason for successfully invading properties is their reproductive rate. How often do mice have babies?…

Mice Urine Smell – Getting Rid of the Smell After Treatment

One of the reasons you do not want mice in your home is the urine smell they leave behind. Besides, there are germs in their urine which makes it all the more worrisome. However, the first thing to do is ensure you have correctly gotten rid of these mice. To be very specific and save…

Severe Mouse Infestation – Signs You Need to Call the Pros

Just because you do not see mice scurrying around does not mean that your home is entirely rodent free. Mice and rats are predominantly nocturnal creatures that love to do the most damage at night and in the dark. For the most part, you may never really see a mouse unless the infestation is so…

Common Areas of Mouse Activity

Common Areas of Mouse Activity – Kitchen, Garage, Basement, Attic

No matter where you live in Ontario, it’s likely that you will experience a mouse problem at some point. All homeowners can get a mouse infestation, and this has nothing to do with how clean your home is or other common misconceptions about the issue. What are the most common areas of mouse activity? Mice…