What Do Cockroaches Look Like – German, American, Oriental

What Do Cockroaches Look Like – German, American, Oriental

Cockroaches are considered as the most loathed pests by many homeowners. There are over 3,500 species of cockroaches found worldwide. But how cockroaches look like? Are all cockroaches the same? Cockroaches in Ontario are a very common problem. While some species quite share the same characteristics, there are other characteristics that differentiate roaches from one…

How To Catch A Mouse – Is it Really Only One?

A mouse might look cute and fuzzy on TV, but in reality, it signifies the destruction of property and stress to Toronto homeowners. The worst part is that mice can defecate and urinate all over your place and transmit different diseases. They’re also intelligent, resourceful, and can sometimes be difficult to eliminate without the help…

How To Keep Rats Out Of The House

Have you been trying to get rid of rats for more than a week or two? If you have failed to keep them out yourself, then it is high time to call in a professional rat control Toronto and have a professional exterminator deal with the problem. Just imagine those small rodents sleeping in your…

Small Mice in House – Mouse Reproductive Rates

Are You Seeing Small Mice in The House? If you are seeing tiny mice scurrying around in your house chances are you are seeing signs of the new generation. Mice are known to be very invasive rodents. Their most significant reason for successfully invading properties is their reproductive rate. How often do mice have babies?…


What Does a Bed Bug Infestation Look Like?

Canada’s pest experts opine that the bed bug problem is turning worse this year with Toronto being named as a bed bug capital of the country. Infestations by bed bugs have rapidly spread throughout the city and reports have shot up by more than 20 percent over that for the previous years. Bed bug infestations…

Mice Urine Smell – Getting Rid of the Smell After Treatment

One of the reasons you do not want mice in your home is the urine smell they leave behind. Besides, there are germs in their urine which makes it all the more worrisome. However, the first thing to do is ensure you have correctly gotten rid of these mice. To be very specific and save…

Mouse Entry Points

How Do Mice Get In Your House – Mouse Entry Points

You are relaxing at the end of the day, watching your favorite television show when suddenly the peace is broken. A mouse scurries across the floor, bumping an end table and upsetting a picture frame. You keep your home so clean and the building itself is not that old, so how did this happen? Mice…

Severe Mouse Infestation – Signs You Need to Call the Pros

Just because you do not see mice scurrying around does not mean that your home is entirely rodent free. Mice and rats are predominantly nocturnal creatures that love to do the most damage at night and in the dark. For the most part, you may never really see a mouse unless the infestation is so…

How to Bait And Set A Mouse Snap Trap

How to Bait And Set A Mouse Snap Trap

Finding a mouse trap is an easy task but setting it up effectively is the million dollar question. As we all know, mouse traps are not easy to use. They are also tricky to maintain too which raises the need for professional mice removal Toronto help. There are different kinds of mouse traps with various…

Common Areas of Mouse Activity

Common Areas of Mouse Activity – Kitchen, Garage, Basement, Attic

No matter where you live in Ontario, it’s likely that you will experience a mouse problem at some point. All homeowners can get a mouse infestation, and this has nothing to do with how clean your home is or other common misconceptions about the issue. What are the most common areas of mouse activity? Mice…