
Why are There Small Cockroaches in My Kitchen?

Why are There Small Cockroaches in My Kitchen?

Seeing small roaches in your home might not feel like something to panic about. However, there is more to panic about when you start seeing these tiny roaches. They are normally a sign of a roach infestation in your home, that needs to be dealt with as soon as possible by calling cockroach exterminator Toronto.…

Can You Use Vinegar to Kill Cockroaches?

Can You Use Vinegar to Kill Cockroaches?

In case you switched on the light and spotted a small brown body scampering for safety, you probably thought of what can be found locally in your home that could kill it. There are hundreds of cockroach pesticide sprays in the market, but how safe are they? In many cases, these sprays are very toxic,…

ultrasonic mouse repellent

Do ultrasonic pest control devices work to eliminate cockroaches?

If you have had the chance to read the packaging of an ultrasonic insect repellent, then you know these devices supposedly work. In theory, they emit sound in a frequency that the human ear is unable to hear, but pests can. These frequencies are normally set at a frequency in a level that drives cockroaches…

How to Get Rid of the Cockroaches that are Living in My Fridge?

How to Get Rid of the Cockroaches that are Living in My Fridge?

Most cockroaches that can be found in the home come from sub-tropical and tropical areas. Due to these, they are attracted to warm areas and components in the house such as motor compartments in your refrigerator. Cockroaches are also attracted to dark, humid areas that have grime and clutter although they are known to attack…

How to Prevent Cockroaches from Getting to Your Bed

How to Prevent Cockroaches from Getting to Your Bed

Having a cockroach infestation in your bedroom is not only disgusting but also a health hazard. When cockroaches get into your bedroom, they will soon venture and get into your bed. Cockroaches are known to transfer germs, diseases, and bacteria that at very least have the potential of causing food poisoning. When the roaches get…

Do Essential Oils Repel Cockroaches

Do Essential Oils Repel Cockroaches?

Finding that you have cockroaches in your house is never fun, and getting rid of them can be quite a chore. Infestation may reach such a point that cockroaches will bite residents due to the colony outgrowing its food source. However, what happens if you only occasionally see a bug in your kitchen? Well, most…


How Do Cockroaches Get in the Dishwasher?

Cockroaches can live in a hostile environment without water or food for a long period. It’s possible to have cockroaches living in the cleanest of homes, and in such situations, they will take cover in the kitchen and more specifically in your dishwasher. Most homeowners get frustrated when they find cockroaches in their dishwasher since…

How to Kill Cockroaches in Kitchen Cabinets

How to Kill Cockroaches in Kitchen Cabinets

Cockroaches are free tenants to your kitchen. You will only see them momentarily when you switch on your lights for a midnight snack. They will immediately run away once they spot your kitchen lights are on. Cockroaches may play a vital role in recycling for the environment. However, their presence in your kitchen cabinet or…

How Can Cockroaches Affect Human Health?

How Can Cockroaches Affect Human Health?

Having an infestation in your home is enough to have your stomach turn. Termites, rats, and other rodents of all shapes and sizes cause all manner of problems and will impact both your health and the integrity of your home. Having a cockroach infestation is a serious problem. To better understand the seriousness, it helps…

Places Where Cockroaches Like to Hide

Top Places Where Cockroaches Like to Hide

Cockroaches are a common household pest, and one of the hardest to deal with. They often hide out of sight, making it hard to know where they proliferate. You might not even see roaches until you stumble into a dark room, such as the kitchen, and turn on the light. Suddenly, you see them scampering…