pest control

Will rats go outside during the day

Will Rats Come Out During the Day?

Rats are mostly nocturnal rodents that thrive at night and will most likely come out during the night. But when you have been in major cities you might find a rat scurrying around the city and wonder why they’re so active during the day. The answer is quite simple and it all has to do…

How do you stop rats from coming in your home

how do you stop rats from coming into your house

There is a big reason as to why rats are attracted to your home. The main reasons are warmth, food, and shelter. By being in a heated and comfortable place rats can find the opportunity to multiply and to build nests in peace with the reservoir of food a few meters away. This combination makes…

Hole in Window Frame

Case Study: Multiple Entry Points, Mouse Extermination in Toronto

This case study deals with a mouse extermination in Toronto and demonstrates the importance of a thorough inspection. Several openings were found on the property, which were likely responsible for bringing mice into the home. The technician on site placed several bait stations around the property to eliminate the mice, though a full exclusion of…

Is it Bad to Have a Rat in the Garden

Is it Bad to Have a Rat in the Garden?

Having a rat in the garden is always bad news no matter what time of the year or what season it is. Rats are opportunistic rodents and will seek out food whenever they have the chance. Garbage, pet food, and even vegetation in your own garden is a great insensitive for the rat to set…

Case Study: Mice Enter Through Foundational Gap in Toronto

Case Study: Mice Enter Through Foundational Gap in Toronto

The following case study will analyze and recount a mouse infestation in a residential house located in Toronto. The homeowner complained about mouse activity where after a technician was dispatched on-site to conduct an exterior and interior inspection. Exterior Inspection The exterior and interior inspection are some of the most important parts during an exclusion…

How Far do Cockroaches Travel

How Far do German Cockroaches Travel?

Cockroaches are unsightly pests that should be avoided at all costs. These are filthy insects that can make you sick with food poisoning and airborne allergens. If you’ve spotted a cockroach within a shared space, such as a laundry room, be careful that you do not bring one to your home. Cockroaches breed very rapidly,…


The Importance of Sealing Soffit and Fascia Gaps with Caulking

Sealing the soffit and fascia gaps are important because it prevents rodents and wildlife animals from taking advantage of these spaces. The way they can access the interior of the building is by force or by squeezing through these gaps or even chewing through the soffit. Some of the most common household pests and wildlife…

How Do You Get Rid of Silverfish in Your Bathroom

How Do You Get Rid of Silverfish in Your Bathroom?

Silverfish are creepy little bugs that are commonly found in bathrooms across North America. Also known as carpet sharks, these insects feed on sweet and starchy foods like pastas, oats, and vegetables. They also enjoy the inanimate objects in your bathroom, such as carpet fibers and magazines. Though they are mostly harmless, silverfish can cause…

How to Get Rid of Earwigs Naturally

How to Get Rid of Earwigs Naturally

Earwig infestations are rare, but they can be difficult to manage. Earwigs are semi-social creatures that will signal to each other when an area is safe, so if you have spotted one earwig on your property, it is likely that there are several more nearby. These are troublesome pests, but there are some natural methods…