Weep Vent Mouse Entry Point

Case Study: Mouse Removal and Exclusion in Scarborough

The following case study details a mouse extermination job in Scarborough. Mice that were infesting this single-family home were removed with bait and kept out permanently by sealing off every entry point. If you have been struggling with a mouse problem on your property, give us a call and a technician will solve your problem.…

Is it Bad to Have a Rat in the Garden

Is it Bad to Have a Rat in the Garden?

Having a rat in the garden is always bad news no matter what time of the year or what season it is. Rats are opportunistic rodents and will seek out food whenever they have the chance. Garbage, pet food, and even vegetation in your own garden is a great insensitive for the rat to set…

Where do Rats Hide During the Day

Where do Rats Hide During the Day?

Rats are dirty, destructive pests that will wreak havoc on the interior of your home. At roughly 300g and 20cm in body length, rats are fairly large pests that are difficult to handle. They leave feces everywhere, and they are too big to ignore. If you have spotted some rats on your property, or if…

Case Study Mouse activity in Kitchen in Toronto

Case Study: Mouse activity in Kitchen in Toronto

Exterior Inspection The homeowner complained of possible mouse activity. After this, a technician was immediately dispatched to the residential property in Toronto. The technician started with an exterior inspection. The exterior inspection is the most important part of the entire mouse exclusion process as it gives the technician a closer look at the infestation. The…

How to Exterminate Cockroaches in Apartment

How to Exterminate Cockroaches in Apartment

Once you discovered that you have cockroaches in your apartment, the first thing you would want to do is to get rid of them by completely exterminating them. However, as tempting and easy as that sounds, actually exterminating them might be more difficult than actually thought. Most people think that the cockroaches that are seen…

Is it Normal to See Cockroaches After Extermination

Is it Normal to See Cockroaches After Extermination?

Yes, It is very normal to see some roaches crawling here and there, but that is expected. When you do see cockroaches do not spray, or apply insecticides yourself as it can disturb the treatment. During this period, it is very important to do some light cleaning. Vacuum crumbs, store food properly, do not leave…

Rat One-Way Door and Bait Station

Case Study: Interior Rat and Mouse Removal in Old Toronto

The following case study details a mouse and rat extermination in Toronto. Both types of pest were invading the home, dirtying it with feces. Bait programs on both the interior and exterior of the home, along with a full exclusion of the premises got rid of the pests within a few months. If you suspect…

Rat Droppings In Basement

Rats are a serious issue around the world. The UN considers them a severe danger to humanity similar to global warming. The UN stores food for emergencies, this food is often infested by rats and the destruction numbers in the billions per year. Rats were once treated by the governments of major cities like new…

what to do before exterminator comes for cockroaches

what to do before exterminator comes for cockroaches?

This is a great question. What to do and how to prepare for the cockroach exterminators? Most of the work lies on the exterminators themselves, but there are a few things you can do to make their lives much easier and to guarantee a streamlined cockroach extermination session. Just with any visit, you would need…