Bed Bugs

bed bug signs

Bed Bugs vs. Ticks – How to Distinguish Them

Unexplained blood stains on your bedding, waking up with welts and bumps and itchy bites are all signs that you have a resident pest feeding on your blood. If you have ruled out mosquitoes, you may be dealing either with bed bugs or ticks and determining which one isn’t always obvious especially if there have…

Are Bed Bugs Contagious – How to Treat Bed Bug Bites

Are Bed Bugs Contagious – How to Treat Bed Bug Bites

Bed bugs can be spread from one person to another which makes them contagious in one sense. Experts believe that humans are the number one transmitters of bed bugs in Canada and travelling is the major contributor to a bed bug infestation in Toronto. Early signs of bed bugs can include bite marks, blood marks…

bed bug feeding

Bed Bugs and Alcohol – Does It Work?

In the past few years, the number of bed bugs has steadily risen. They grow increasingly immune to methods of control, particularly common pesticides. In an act of desperation, many people are turning to the Internet as a source of advice. There has been a significant increase in people searching for DIY bed bug remedies.…

Walmart Bed Bug Spray – Is It Really Working?

If you surf the internet or scroll through social media, you will often see ad-related products claiming to be the best of them all. Sometimes, those ads include store-bought bug sprays, including bud bug spray. Perhaps after seeing one of these ads you decide to pay your local Walmart a visit. You are standing in…

how long do bed bug live

How Long Do Bed Bugs Live?

Bed bugs are one of the most invasive pests, and they are also some of the most difficult to terminate. In fact, bed bugs are such a problem throughout areas of Canada, such as Ontario, that some exterminators have urged businesses and homeowners to throw away their items and start over even if there is…

How Do You Know If You Have Bed Bugs

How Do You Know If You Have Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are a nuisance throughout Canada, particularly in areas such as Ontario. If you recognize the signs of an infestation early on, it will make it easier to treat the problem. If the infestation spread, it becomes more difficult and costly to get rid of them. Detecting the signs and symptoms of bed bugs…

Bed Bug Larvae How They Look and Where to Find Them

Bed Bug Larvae – How They Look and Where to Find Them

Bed bugs go through various stages from eggs to adulthood. Identifying them in their larvae, or nymph stage can help you determine if you have a bed bug infestation and need a bed bug control exterminator. Nymphs are bed bugs that have not fully developed into adulthood. Because of their small size, they may be…

What Do Bed Bug Shedding Look Like

What Do Bed Bug Shedding Look Like

It is not always possible to spot live bed bugs until the infestation has grown out of control, so early warning signs such as bed bug shedding are a reliable indicator that you have a pest problem. You, of course, need to know what to look out for since the shedding is easy to miss.…

Low Level Bed Bug Infestation How to Detect it

Low Level Bed Bug Infestation – How to Detect it

Bed bugs are easy to miss until the infestation has grown to the point it cannot be ignored and you staring seeing bed bug shells flying around your house. These pests are tiny, active during the night while you sleep and like to stay well hidden when they are not feeding. If you have been…

Is It Possible to Get Bed Bugs In Car

Is It Possible to Get Bed Bugs In Car?

Bed bugs love to stay near their human host and will travel anywhere the host goes. It is very possible to have bed bugs in your car in Toronto. The good news is bed bugs rarely create permanent residence in vehicles largely and you will not need to call a bed bug controlΒ company because they…