Bed Bugs

Bed Bugs on Clothes

How Long Do Bed Bugs Stay Asleep After Feeding on a Host

Bed bugs scurry back to their hiding places immediately after feeding which is why most people don’t find evidence of the actual bed bug in the morning. The bed bugs aren’t going to sleep after feeding but rather mate and reproduce. A female bed bug must have a consistent diet of blood meals to be…

Can Regular Bug Spray Kill Bed Bugs-No

How Bed Bugs Spread

Experts theorize that two things have to lead to the resurgence of bed bugs after an almost 40-year hiatus; banning of pesticides including DDT and easy travel. Bed bugs are among the most competent hitchhikers and spread rapidly and widely. Bed bug cases have become so common that having an infestation is no longer taboo.…

active bed bug monitors

Do Bed Bugs Traps Actually Work?

Bed bugs have been a huge problem in Toronto recently, there are many reports about the bed bug issue in Toronto Hotels and Universities.  The answer to whether bed bug traps actually work depends on what you mean by ‘actually work’. If you want to get rid of a bed bug infestation completely, then bed…

dead bed bug

Do Organic Solutions Work Against Bed Bugs?

Organic bed bug solutions may be taken broadly to mean pest control solutions that don’t require the use of pesticides. Bed bugs are notoriously difficult to exterminate even within professional circles. There is a lot of good and bad information for homeowners who would like to attempt to treat the infestation without using potentially dangerous…

Bed Bugs on Mattress

Do Bed Bugs Have Specific Smell?

Bed bugs do emit a specific odour from a combination of the insect’s feces, pheromones, scent glands and cast casings. In case of sever infestation in addition to smell you can find bed bug shells. The most common description for the bed bug smell is ‘sweet’ and ‘musty’ and very often compared to the smell of…

active bed bug monitors

Do Bed Bug Detection Devices Actually Work?

Bed bugs detectors are effective for checking whether you have bed bugs or to assess the progress of a recent extermination. Although effective, bed bug detectors are good at just that, detecting, and cannot be used as a standalone pest control method. They must be paired with professional extermination and prevention for the pest control…

a mature bed bug

Can Ants Attack Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs have made a major comeback recently after close to 40 years on near extinction. Many experts agree that banning of synthetic pesticides such as DDT has a lot to do with why the pests are back. These pesticides were effective for killing pests but unfortunately not gentle on the environment or humans. But…


Are Bed Bugs Afraid When The Lights Are On?

Bed bugs come out to feed at night and in the dark which causes many people to believe that the pests are afraid of the dark. This explanation isn’t exactly true although the critters do prefer to operate in the dark. Bed bugs are nocturnal so naturally, they operate at night, when it is dark,…

Is It Possible to Get Bed Bugs In Car

Can You Find Dead Bed Bugs?

Although harder to see than live bugs, it is possible to see dead bed bugs. You only need to know how to positively identify the pest. When you see translucent shells, you might be dealing with bed bugs. It is important that you know what bed bug shedding look like.  Adult bed bugs are reddish or…

What Are the Signs of a Bed Bug Infestation?

What to Do With Bed Bugs in Offices

Bed bugs are excellent hitch-hikers so it is no wonder that they find their way into offices. Bed bugs don’t spread diseases but their bite causes uncomfortable and itchy welts and bumps. Although rare, some people may have adverse reactions to bed bug bites. The question of what to do with bed bugs in the…