What is Surface Contamination?

What is Surface Contamination?

Surface contaminants are the impurities that bond or settle on metal surfaces and affect the physical and chemical properties of the metal, as well as the coatings. Surface contaminants may be a result of a manufacturing process, the environment, or handling. Surface contaminants affect the bonding of coatings and paints and may interfere with the…

what does a carpenter ant nest look like

Professional Exterminator for Carpenter Ant Infestation

Unlike termites, carpenter ants do not eat wood. Instead, they create their nests within wooden structures, chewing through the wood to create a home. Generally, carpenter ants prefer moist, hollow, or decaying wood, but then also nest inside homes where there’s a ready supply of sweet food to be had. To rid your home of…

which insects destroy wooden furniture

How to Deal with Carpenter Ant Infestation in Cellulose Insulation?

Carpenter ants like certain types of insulation due to their moist and warm properties which make it an ideal structure to build a nest in. While fibreglass and other types of foam insulations can be shelters for carpenter ants, you just may be in luck if your attic and walls are lined with cellulose insulation.…

What is the Purpose of Decontamination?

One of the principal goals of decontamination at a hazardous emergency is to limit the spread of contaminants from the release area or better known as the hot zone to include the cleaning of responders and their equipment. Decontamination even includes the cleaning of contaminated victims from a wide range of events these can include…

An infestation of Carpenter Ants in a Tree Stump

Sugar Ant Infestation in Your House

During springtime, sugar ants will begin their home invasion, looking for food and water. While these tiny little creatures are not harmful to humans, they are a pain to deal with that can get out of control if the colony gets too big. Sugar ants are common in Canada, and most people refer to them…

What Kills the COVID19 Virus?

What Kills the COVID19 Virus?

There are many speculations as to what kills COVID-19 as a big chunk of what we need to know is unknown at his point, the internet makes the myths easily available to anyone having dangerous effects and doing a disservice to the countless of women and men fighting at the frontlines of hospitals all around…

Allergic Reaction to Carpenter Ant Bites

Carpenter Ant Bites and Allergic Reaction

Carpenter ant bites are notoriously painful, causing inflammation and swelling around the site of the injury. The skin around the bite is tender and irritated, and you’ll often feel an itching or burning sensation. These symptoms often linger until the puncture site has healed. To prevent a possible injury from carpenter ants consider hiring Carpenter…

Classification of Chemical Disinfectants

Curbing the Spread of COVID-19 at Home

In the uncertain time that we are living in together where cities and countries have been put to a virtual standstill, we must not forget that the best guard against infection is dependent on ourselves. Globally, orders have been given to citizens to stay home and to only leave for essential errands. Essential buildings and…

disinfection service Toronto - ppe

What Type of Respirator or Mask Do I Need for COVID-19?

While the number of cases is surging past a manageable level, so is the demand for masks as well, with severe consequences. As the public is growing more aware and worried the sale of masks have soared doing whatever they can to get their hands on the masks. It is advised not to buy surgical…

Why Hire a Cleaning and Disinfection Service?

Why Hire a Cleaning and Disinfection Service?

The question comes up a lot and needs some explanation. Why would you even consider hiring a cleaning service or even considering disinfection? After all, a bucket of water, soap, and a sponge should be more than enough right? Well, to answer that question it depends on what you’re trying to get out of it.…