Do Carpenter Ants Create Many Nests?

Do Carpenter Ants Create Many Nests?

Carpenter ants are fascinating creatures and are remarkably different than what you regularly would find in your regular tiny ants. Each carpenter ant has a certain role in the colony. The queen is the most important carpenter ant in a colony because of her ability to lay eggs and to give birth to future generations. …

Common Wasp Types in Toronto

Common Wasp Types in Toronto

There are many wasps that wasp control experts come across very often. As the summer months are coming near and the weather seems to be warming up day by day. Residents can expect more wasps on their property since it is generally the time when wasps come out of their pupae and start to seek…

Do Carpenter Ants Can Destroy Treated Wood?

Do Carpenter Ants Can Destroy Treated Wood?

Contrary to popular belief carpenter ants do not have any interest in consuming wood, unlike termites. Rather, carpenter ants use their mandibles to construct an interaction network inside of wooden structures by tunneling and digging their way into it including mulch outside. Carpenter ants can have devastating consequences when they decide to move inside. They…

Carpenter Bee Facts & Control

Carpenter Bee Facts & Control

Carpenter bees are normally known as solitary bees. Solitary species differ from social species. Solitary bees tend to be sociable and fond of company and often have several nests of solitary bees that are near each other. In solitary nesting, the founding bee forages, builds cells, lays the eggs, and guards. Normally, only one generation…

Biology and Habits of Carpenter Bees

Biology and Habits of Carpenter Bees

Carpenter bees, like any other bee species, usually overwinter in wood before they emerge in the warmer months in spring and the summer. They usually emerge around April and May and start mating. The female lays its fertilized eggs in the drilled holes which are called cells or galleries by vibrating their bodies against the…

Common Myths about Carpenter Ants

Common Myths about Carpenter Ants

There are a lot of myths surrounding the carpenter ants due to the similar damage that termites and carpenter ants cause including mulch infested with ants. But do not be fooled by this quite large species of ants as they do not eat the wood, but dig their way in with the help of their…

Are yellow jackets and hornets the same thing_

Are yellow jackets and hornets the same thing?

There seems to be a confusion between what a hornet is and what a yellow jacket is. People certainly have a hard time telling the two apart. There are, although,  several ways to differentiate between them. This will help you identify between the two if you get stung or want to seem interesting at a…

An infestation of Carpenter Ants in a Tree Stump

An infestation of Carpenter Ants in a Tree Stump

Having a tree stump in your yard can lead to a host of problems that involves the infiltration of unwanted pests or species of insects. Well in the beginning,  you might think that nothing can happen since they are in a tree stump calm but the stump may well serve as a bridge for pests…

are carpenter bees dangerous to humans

Are carpenter bees dangerous to humans in any way?

Carpenter bees look fairly innocent when you compare them to other wasp species. This is due to the fact that many people mistake them for bumblebees. They are solitary bee species mostly found in regions where there is an abundance of wood. The unique thing about them is that they create individual cells by making…

How to differentiate between bee and wasp nest_

How to differentiate between bee and wasp nest?

To the untrained eye, the wasp nest and the bee nest might look similar if you are not paying attention. Bees and wasps are closely related species and diverged from wasps about 120 million years ago. Wasps are known as pollen gatherers. Hornets and yellow jackets are known to be social wasps because they live…