Biology and Habits of Carpenter Bees

Biology and Habits of Carpenter Bees

Carpenter bees, like any other bee species, usually overwinter in wood before they emerge in the warmer months in spring and the summer. They usually emerge around April and May and start mating. The female lays its fertilized eggs in the drilled holes which are called cells or galleries by vibrating their bodies against the wood and in doing so creating perfect circular holes.

If you suspect a carpenter bee presence anywhere near or on your property, contact carpenter bee removal Toronto for quick and safe removal.

Common Wasp Types in Toronto

The galleries are usually constructed out of two compartments. One where the brood remains and another one where the pollen is stored for the larvae to eat once it hatches from its egg. subdivisions are created from the sawdust they create when they excavate these tunnels. This sawdust is called ‘frass’. Frass is created when the carpenter bees excavate their cells or galleries with the help of their mandibles and discard the pieces. The result is known as frass. It resembles sawdust in a lot of ways and it is quite coarse in texture. 

Frass can often be found beneath an entry-point. In the springtime, the males go looking for the females hovering around females that have found unfinished wood. The wood can consist of many man-made wooden structures such as ledges, edges, soffits, support columns, beams, etc. The males are quite territorial and will confront you when they feel provoked, but these males are incapable of stinging and can only display aggression. The males will hover around you as an act of intimidation. It is the females who are actually the only ones that can sting. Females prefer all kinds of wood, but they prefer untreated softwoods such as cedar. 

They will make a hole in the wood to deposit their eggs which are usually 1/2 of an inch in diameter. The female carpenter bee is known to squeeze through some incredibly tight holes to bore untreated wood. In most cases if the situation allows it she can drill and excavate other room for laying more eggs. The carpenter bees can create another extension of the cell by drilling in the gallery by making a 90 degree turn essentially making it a few inches to a foot longer. 

A ball of pollen is laid in one of these compartments where the eggs lay and once the larvae will hatch from their eggs they will feed on it. The female carpenter bee does not return and closes the nest up after having deposited the pollen.

If you suspect a wasp presence in and around your property, it is highly advised to contact a professional The Exterminators – Pest Control Toronto service based in the Greater Toronto Area to deal with the issue as soon and effectively as possible.