Signs of a Carpenter Bee Infestation

Signs of a Carpenter Bee Infestation

Carpenter bees can pose a serious threat to the structural integrity of any wooden structure where softwood is found in abundance such as cedar and oak. It can cause significant structural damage over time that can cost homeowners thousands in repair and in restoration costs alone if the problem is no dealt with as soon…

Is a Hornet Sting Lethal

Is a Hornet Sting Lethal?

Hornets use their stings to kill their prey and to defend their nests. These stings can actually be more painful to humans because of their quantity of acetylcholine which is about 5%. Hornets that are individually active have the capability to sting multiple times. In contrast to the honey bee which dies after delivering its…

How to get rid of cockroaches in my drainage system?

How to Get Rid of Cockroaches in My Drainage System?

Getting rid of cockroaches in a drainage system is more delicate than one can imagine. There are a lot of factors in play and things we have to consider before pouring chemicals and other solutions down the drainage that can affect other chemicals and fats down the draining system. Several online sources suggest not to…

Identify Carpenter Bee Damage

Identify Carpenter Bee Damage

Carpenter bees have the tendency to drill perfectly circular shaped holes into untreated wood uncovered by bark. Their activity usually takes place into a log, dead trees, and when we talk about urban areas, edges. These carpenter bees are solitary in nature, but it would not be considered odd if you see multiple carpenter bees…

How to Treat Carpenter Bee Holes-ib

How to Treat Carpenter Bee Holes

Carpenter bee holes can be very easily mistaken for a drill hole if you do not pay attention. Since these holes are often very circular in shape,  nearing perfection, it can be hard to distinguish between the two when an untrained eye is looking for them. Not to mention, that these holes can be quite…

What to do about a wasp nest in the wall

What to do about a wasp nest in the wall

Removing a nest in a wall can be a very difficult challenge with the added problem of reachability. This makes it especially hard for inexperienced DIYers to remove a nest all by themself. It is therefore advised that you hire a professional wasp removal service situated in the Greater Toronto Area for swift and efficient…

How to remove a wasp nest from your attic

How to remove a wasp nest from your attic

When you are removing a wasp nest near your house you want to make sure that you are aware of the fact that the queen is key and that you are sure in knowing that every slight agitation can lead to wasps attacking you. It is important to know that there is a possibility of…

How to remove a wasp nest abound a window frame

How to remove a wasp nest abound a window frame?

Wasps are usually active in the warmer months of the year. You might not see a wasp presence until they completely have invaded an area. Wasps are extremely territorial and, because of this, might sting whoever comes close to the nest, if it sees the person or animal as a threat. Children, especially, should be…

Why to Remove Infested Carpenter Ant Tree

Why to Remove Infested Carpenter Ant Tree

Carpenter ants are very fond of wood and what can be better than a tree stump which can provide the carpenter ant queen to establish an empire? The reason why trees need to be removed from the property is that the tree can serve as a bridge and can invite ants to spill over into…

What is the best way to identify Carpenter Ant damage?

What is the Best Way to Identify Carpenter Ant Damage?

Carpenter ants can be quite damaging to your house and furniture. They can build nest in walls and even compromise structural integrity of your house, but are they more dangerous than sugar ants? Are sugar ants dangerous? Sugar ants are considered harmless. Swarms of sugar ants can be a nuisance, and especially when they locate…