Bed bugs

Are Bed Bugs Contagious – How to Treat Bed Bug Bites

Are Bed Bugs Contagious – How to Treat Bed Bug Bites

Bed bugs can be spread from one person to another which makes them contagious in one sense. Experts believe that humans are the number one transmitters of bed bugs in Canada and travelling is the major contributor to a bed bug infestation in Toronto. Early signs of bed bugs can include bite marks, blood marks…


Does Dry Cleaning Remove Bed Bugs?

Many people recoil at the thought of having to throw away perfectly good or expensive clothes because they are infested with bed bugs.Not only clothes, but mattresses can also be victims of bed bugs where they can actually in the mattress! The good news is you don’t have to throw away the clothes because dry…

How to Check for Bed Bugs in a Box Spring

Bed bugs commonly take up residence in your bed, hence their name. By residing in your bed, it puts them close to their source of food…which is you! These little bloodsuckers prefer to stay as close to a warm human body as possible so they do not have to travel far for food. That does…

Can Regular Bug Spray Kill Bed Bugs-No

Exterminating Bed Bugs – Advice and Prevention Tips

Although bed bugs do not typically transmit diseases to humans like most house-hold pests do, they are still a nuisance. These bugs in your bed often result in sleepless nights and insistent itching and scratching. Bed bugs in wood furniture is also a common sing of sever infestation. How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs…

How Hard Is It to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

Common Bugs that Look Like Bed Bugs

Bed bugs have grown increasingly problematic over the years. Experts claim that they are developing immunities to common pesticides and household bug sprays. As such, you find more and more bed bugs invading homes and businesses, especially throughout populated areas in Canada, such as Toronto. Common bed bug signs are specific smell, bed bug casings…

Bed bug proof mattress

Can Bed Bugs Survive Outside?

Bed bugs, despite what the name may imply, hide in many places besides beds. You can find them in clothing, inside books, in cracks in the walls and ceilings, inside dressers and night stands and many other locations. Bed bugs prefer to live with humans inside houses in Canada if they can find their way in.…

Can Bed Bugs Live In Wood Furniture

Can Bed Bugs Live In Wood Furniture and How to Remove Them

Bed bugs are synonymous with mattresses as they can live between the seams of it and even inside of it. but they will infest any furniture that is close to the host’s bed. This includes wooden furniture and even metal pieces. As long as there are cracks where they can hide, and these are in…

bed bug feeding

Bed Bugs and Alcohol – Does It Work?

In the past few years, the number of bed bugs has steadily risen. They grow increasingly immune to methods of control, particularly common pesticides. In an act of desperation, many people are turning to the Internet as a source of advice. There has been a significant increase in people searching for DIY bed bug remedies.…

Walmart Bed Bug Spray – Is It Really Working?

If you surf the internet or scroll through social media, you will often see ad-related products claiming to be the best of them all. Sometimes, those ads include store-bought bug sprays, including bud bug spray. Perhaps after seeing one of these ads you decide to pay your local Walmart a visit. You are standing in…

how long do bed bug live

How Long Do Bed Bugs Live?

Bed bugs are one of the most invasive pests, and they are also some of the most difficult to terminate. In fact, bed bugs are such a problem throughout areas of Canada, such as Ontario, that some exterminators have urged businesses and homeowners to throw away their items and start over even if there is…