
How Can I Naturally Remove the Stench from Persisted Rats

How To Get Rid of Rat Urine Smell

Rats are smelly creatures that will leave a mess of feces, urine, and debris behind them wherever they go. Even after extermination is complete, it’s important that you clean up after them to get rid of their smell. The smell could come from walls if rats built a nest inside your walls and if you…

Is Rat Extermination Really the Way to Move Forward

How Much Does a Rat Exterminator Cost

Rat extermination and pest control in general is full of misconceptions and myths. Rat extermination is a very affordable way to keep the rats out of your property for good without ever having to compromise for quality. Rat extermination is thought to be expensive because of precocieved notions we have about the field in general.…

Can Rats Attack my Pets when they are Indoors

Can Rats Attack My Pets When They are Indoors?

Rats and pets are not a good mix. If there are rats in your home, there is indeed the risk of an attack. Rats are generally cautious and easygoing creatures, but they can do some serious harm if they feel threatened. Your pet may want to hunt them down and get hurt in the process.…

Are Rats Smart Enough To Avoid Traps ?

Are Rats Smart Enough To Avoid Traps?

You heard scratching noises at night and in the morning you discovered gnawed objects around your kitchen area. You did a brief search on the internet and you found out that you have rat invaders in your dwelling. You purchased and installed a few traps around your property and days passed without any outcome. Why…

How Long Does it Take for Rats to Die After an Exterminator Comes by?

How Long Does It Take for Rats to Die After an Exterminator Comes by?

The amount of time it takes for rats to die after an exterminator comes by depends on several different factors such as the number of traps laid out, the size of the infestation, and the state of the infested environment. The extermination process is simple, but it has the potential to take some time. Luckily,…

Can A Rat Infestation Make You Sick ?

Can a Rat Infestation Make You Sick ?

The year of 2020 brought a great wave of turbulence and confusion into our lives by cause of the pandemic. Additional concerns about our own and our family’s health began to exist in one way or the other. Furthermore, our limited outdoor activity has forced rodents such as rats to desperately look for a source…

Is There Any Way I can Lure Rats out of My Garage

Is There Any Way I Can Lure Rats Out of My Garage?

Rats are terrible pests to have in the garage. They’re destructive, hazardous, and frightening. Rats carry diseases with them wherever they go, and they’ll cost you hundreds – if not thousands – in damages to the structure of your home. It’s important to get the rats out as soon as possible. If there is a…

Do I Need To Notify Authorities When I find A Rat In My Restaurant?

Do I Need To Notify Authorities When I find A Rat In My Restaurant?

There is no reason to notify the Health Authorities. Instead, notify directly the Exterminators Inc.. The reason being the fact that the responsibility of Health Authorities is to formulate solely the guidelines, which have to be followed in case of a rat infestation. Additionally, in the case of complaints by the neighbourhood with regards to…

How Can I Prevent Roof Rats from Getting Inside my Attic

How Can I Prevent Roof Rats from Getting Inside My Attic?

As if Norway rats weren’t bad enough, we have roof rats to worry about, too. Roof rats are very agile and troublesome creatures that will climb up your house and into your attic if given the chance. Attics are ideal habitats for roof rats, so they should absolutely be protected against them. Roof rats carry…

Do Pets Keep Rats Away?

Do Pets Keep Rats Away?

We all probably at some point watched cartoons where cats were running after rodents. Is that a myth? How accurate is  this portrayal? Which pest are actually useful to us during a rat infestation? These are just a few questions that usually get raised regarding rodents in general. Pets, indeed can help you reduce a…