
How To Remove Cockroach Feces Stains

How to Remove Cockroach Feces Stains

Cockroaches are difficult enough to get rid of. You may have hired professional pest removal services to remove them, but the little pests left stains all over your kitchen. Luckily, removing the stains they leave behind is a much easier process. If there is a cockroach infestation in your home, you need to get help…

How To Control Small Cockroaches At Home

How to Control Small Cockroaches at Home

A small cockroach is a young cockroach. If you saw a young cockroach in your home, this unfortunately means that there are probably many more cockroaches infesting the area. This is because cockroaches are very good at hiding and they reproduce very quickly. There are however some ways you can control the population in your…

How to Control Cockroaches in Restaurants

How to Control Cockroaches in Restaurants

Cockroaches are unsightly creatures that will ruin anyone’s appetite. These insects are a food safety hazard that should be taken very seriously in restaurants. Cockroaches carry fungi, bacteria, and parasites that put customers and staff at risk of food poisoning and disease. Your restaurant risks being shut down entirely if a health inspector finds an…

How do Cockroaches Get in the House? How Can I Prevent it?

How do Cockroaches Get in the House? How Can I Prevent it?

Have you spotted a cockroach in your home? When you think of cockroaches, you might picture filthy sewer systems or derelict housing. These pests only live in the most disgusting conditions, right? So how did one get in the house, and why? The truth is, cockroaches are attracted to any warm place that offers some…

How a Cockroach Infestation Can Trigger Allergies and Asthma

How a Cockroach Infestation Can Trigger Allergies and Asthma

Cockroaches can do some serious harm. They are not only terrifying to look at, but the carriers of various diseases and allergens. Some people are allergic to cockroaches and suffer terrible symptoms from infestations, even asthma. Cockroach infestations should be avoided and treated properly to reduce the risk of allergic reactions and disease transmission. If…

Does Having Cockroaches Mean That Your House is Dirty?

Does Having Cockroaches Mean That Your House is Dirty?

Cockroaches are often associated with poverty and uncleanliness, but these bugs will move into anyone’s home. You may be a victim yourself and know the embarrassment that a cockroach infestation brings. You may be wondering if you have not been doing enough to prevent the problem. Unfortunately, however, this can happen to anyone. It is…

Do Cockroaches Stay in One Place or do They Move a Lot?

Do Cockroaches Stay in One Place or do They Move a Lot?

You can find cockroaches anywhere on the planet. For millions of years, cockroaches have been able to survive pretty much anywhere. Their adaptive nature allows them to live on very small amounts of food and they can eat just about anything. Not only that, but cockroaches have no trouble moving from place to place, so…

Do Cockroaches Create Nests?

Do Cockroaches Create Nests?

Cockroaches are great at hiding. You may have turned the lights on in your kitchen one night and seen one scatter away. But where do the cockroaches go? Is there a nest somewhere in the house? The answer is no, not really. Cockroaches are opportunists that will hide in any dark part of the kitchen…

Can Vacuum Cleaners Kill Cockroaches?

Can Vacuum Cleaners Kill Cockroaches?

Cleanliness is very important when treating an area for cockroaches or preventing them from moving in. These pests are attracted to any sort of food that is left out, so maintaining a clean environment is very important. If you happen to find a cockroach in your home while vacuuming, you can absolutely use the vacuum…

Can Cold Kill Cockroaches?

Can Cold Kill Cockroaches?

Cockroaches are some of the most difficult pests to get rid of. They’re resistant to pesticides, they can survive for months without food, and they can hide in the tiniest of gaps. You may have tried what feels like everything to get rid of them, but what about the cold? As cockroaches, like many other…