
Can Carpenter Ants destroys wooden furniture

How to Get Rid of Carpenter Ants in Mulch

Carpenter ants love wood, and the amount of wood that you have around your property can encourage or discourage these destructive insects. Unlike termites, the ants don’t eat wood, but they build their nests in wooden structures, including garden sheds, decking, and even in mulch. Although the DIY methods does work, it’s still the best…

Allergic Reaction to Carpenter Ant Bites

Allergic Reaction to Carpenter Ant Bites

Carpenter ants are a common household pest that uses their strong mandibles to munch through decaying and damp wood. When threatened, the insects use their powerful jaws to deliver an extremely painful bite that will usually break your skin. Call us for ant extermination services in Toronto. 647-496-2211 Although they’re not venomous, carpenter ants do…

When Do Carpenter Ants Have Nuptial Flights

When Do Carpenter Ants Have Nuptial Flights?

You may have occasionally found yourself wondering how and when carpenter ants actually mate, which is a fascinating process for what can be such a destructive pest. Within each colony, there exists a very small amount of winged male and female carpenter ants. These carpenter ants do very little to now work and solely exist…

It is best to contact professional carpenter ant exterminator Toronto in the Greater Toronto Area to declare your home ant-free as soon as possible!

What Do Carpenter Ants Do in the Winter?

Like most insects, carpenter ants will typically go dormant during the winter months. This is due to the insect anatomy requiring heat to thrive, which is in absence during the coldest months of the year. Due to climate change, this is becoming more and more of a rarer situation, specifically in certain areas of Canada…

Can Carpenter Ants Destroy Drywall?

Carpenter Ant Damage Covered by Homeowner’s Insurance

Carpenter ants have caused large amounts of damage to homes within Canada. An exact figure would be hard to calculate, but conservatives estimate could be in the millions. With this in mind, you may be wondering if you can prevent any such nightmare by investing in homeowner’s insurance that covers damage from carpenter ants. Unfortunately,…

Common Myths about Carpenter Ants

How to Know if You Have Termites or Carpenter Ants?

A frequent problem for homeowners throughout Toronto is the similarities that exist between carpenter ants and termites. Both of these insect types destroy wood, but only termites both colonize wood and eat it at the same time. Carpenter ants have no interest in eating wood. A clear indicator to differentiate between the two is the…

How Many Queens are in a Carpenter Ant Colony?

How Many Queens are in a Carpenter Ant Colony?

Carpenter ant colonies are an incredibly complex system of social interactions, which is really a marvel of evolutionary innovation. Each type of carpenter ant has a specific role to play. The queen is the most important carpenter ant within a colony due to her ability to lay eggs and produce future generations. Her role is…

carpenter ants prevention tips

Are Carpenter Ants Attracted to Light?

Unlike termites, which avoid light, carpenter ants are attracted to light and that is why ants in bathroom is a common issue, although they are active mainly at night. Indeed, precisely for this reason, they are probably very attracted to light sources. If the ant invasion has just happened, solving it will be easy. The fact…

Carpenter Ants Eating My Tree

Carpenter Ants Eating My Tree

In Canada, carpenter ants actually serve a beneficial purpose to the natural environment. Carpenter Ants consistently makes wood into mulch where they can nest in. You need to get rid of them to avoid the consequences which supports the growing process within ecosystems. Unfortunately, this good deed is not always beneficial to human beings. Although…

Do Carpenter Ants Create Many Nests?

Do Carpenter Ants Like Cellulose Insulation?

Carpenter ants like certain types of insulation due to its moist and warm properties which make it an ideal structure to build a nest in and how to get rid of carpenter ants in home. While fibreglass and other types of foam insulations can be harbourage areas for carpenter ants, you just may be in…