thermal scan picking up rat activity-v2

Case Study: Leslieville Rat Extermination and Exclusion

This article will analyze and recount a rat infestation case that required multiple visits and will detail the steps in the exclusion process that technicians took to eradicate the rat presence completely and successfully in a residential property in Leslieville, Toronto. We do not only treat the problem but also spend the time to find…

Do Bed Bugs Make Nests in the Home

Do Bed Bugs Make Nests in the Home?

Bed bugs are some of the most common pests in the world. International trade and travel have enabled these pests to spread to every country. Bed bugs travel well, but they prefer to live sedentary lifestyles in which they will inhabit the same places for the rest of their lives. They do not make nests,…

Does Steam Kill Bed Bugs

Does Steam Kill Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are known to be difficult pests. They come into our homes as if by magic, clinging to our belongings and setting up shop in our bedroom furniture. Bed bugs reproduce quickly, they hide extremely well, and they resist most pesticides. Luckily, steam is very helpful in the removal of bed bugs as it…

Getting Bitten at Night but No Sign of Bed Bugs

Getting Bitten at Night but No Sign of Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are terribly sneaky creatures. They have adapted to live in our beds and bite us without getting caught. It is this stealthy nature that can make it hard to tell whether or not you are dealing with bed bugs. There are, however, some things you can look out for other than the bugs…

Mosquito Bites vs Bed Bug Bites

Mosquito Bites vs Bed Bug Bites

Are bite marks appearing on your skin? Sometimes it’s hard to tell where a bite came from because insects are very stealthy. Both mosquito bites and bed bug bites seem to appear out of nowhere and can seriously irritate the skin. These bites share many similarities, but they can be told apart by observing their…

The Best Way to Get Rid of Rats in Basement

The Best Way to Get Rid of Rats in the Basement

Rats are a nightmare to deal with. They’re messy and destructive and they quickly get out of control. Rats living in the home will ruin the insulation between your walls, contaminating it with feces and urine. They are also carriers of disease, putting your health and the wellbeing of your family at risk. Thankfully, there…

Can Bed Bugs Bite Through Clothes

Can Bed Bugs Bite Through Clothes?

Bed bugs are very difficult to handle. Their presence can feel like a curse as they simply refuse to go away. You may have tried what feels like everything to get rid of them. Unfortunately, covering yourself up at night will not do the trick – bed bugs can survive without a meal for a…

Does Lysol Kill Bed Bugs

Does Lysol Kill Bed Bugs?

Lysol is a very common household product that is used to clean and disinfect surfaces throughout the home. Given that it is so handy, wouldn’t it be great if it could also be used to treat for bed bugs? Lysol alone is unfortunately not enough. The product would have to be sprayed directly onto the…

Will Bleach Kill Bed Bugs

Will Bleach Kill Bed Bugs?

You may have heard that bed bugs are difficult to get rid of. They’re nocturnal, they’re great at hiding, and they won’t give up! Bed bugs are known to develop resistances to pesticides, and they breed fast enough to become a big problem within just a few months. So, do you have to hire an…

Does Alcohol Kill Bed Bugs Effectively

Does Alcohol Kill Bed Bugs Effectively?

Rubbing alcohol has many uses around the house. It kills germs, removes odours, and cleans all kinds of things. It can also be used to remove bed bugs, but it is not as reliable as professional pest removal services. Bed bugs are masters of hide and seek so it is difficult to reach them only…