Mouse and Rat Treatment And Rodent Exclusion In Old Toronto

The initial call to the property was for an ongoing rodent infestation that turned out to be rats. Rats are a serious problem and a considered by the United Nations to be a danger to humanity similar to climate change. They cost global emergency food stores billions a year in damage and tainted food. Rats…

When do wasps stop building nests?

When do wasps stop building nests?

Wasp season starts around April and to the warmer months in the summer. It is then when wasps will fully invade an area. The size of the wasp nest starts the size of a tennis ball. During hibernation, the queen will survive while other worker wasps will die off. After the remaining colony stands or…

Wild Mice and Exclusion in Toronto

The initial call to the property was for mice activity in the attic. Often this kind of activity is not from the European House mouse as they cannot climb and jump anymore. They can infest a home and can infest the attic but in their case, it can take time and you will surely see…

How to Get Rid of a Wasp Nest Under the Deck

How to Get Rid of a Wasp Nest Under the Deck

Wasps come in a lot of different shapes and sizes. To understand what has infested your deck you will first need to find out what kind of wasps they are. This should be difficult if you have seen them flying around. Yellow jackets imitate bees. They look like bees with tiny waists and long legs…

What are Wasp Nests Made of

What are Wasp Nests Made of?

There are several species of wasps out there, each with their own set of behaviours and nesting techniques. The following lists how yellow jackets, mud daubers, paper wasps, and hornets build their nests. Yellow Jackets There are many wasps and Hornets, which is a colloquial saying to describe a larger more aggressive wasp, which is…

The Best Pest Control for Earwigs

The Best Pest Control for Earwigs

Earwigs are common in gardens throughout the Greater Toronto Area. Despite their large pincers, these are harmless little insects that feed mostly on decaying plants. Infestations indoors are rare, and they can be kept under control with regular maintenance. There are a variety of pest control products available to target earwigs and many strategies that…

Do Fake Wasp Nests Work

Do Fake Wasp Nests Work?

Wasps are very intelligent insects. As a result wasp control needs to involve several tactics to be effective. The yellow jacket evolved beside bees as their direct predators and paper wasps make nests that are very small and open like a piece of honeycomb attached to a wall. The nest is made of wood fibres…

case study downtown guelph stevenson st rat exclusion

Case Study: Downtown Guelph Rat Exclusion 2021

The following article analyzes and recounts rat extermination in Guelph, Ontario. Each step in the exclusion process that technicians took to eradicate the presence of rats completely will be detailed. The infestation, in this case, was beyond severe and required multiple visits to solve. The residential property sits at a bustling intersection between a major…

Mice and Exclusion Old Toronto

Mice and Exclusion Old Toronto

The initial call to the property was for a severe mouse infestation that turned out to be rats. Rats and mice are similar in that they are both rodents. However, rats are far more dangerous both to your home and to human health. They are capable of damaging your house in ways mice never could.…

What Happens When an Earwig Goes in Your Ear

What Happens When an Earwig Goes in Your Ear?

Earwigs have a creepy name and a scary set of pincers, but they do not crawl into people’s ears. This is a centuries-old misconception. Earwigs are omnivorous little insects that feed mostly on decaying plants, hiding under moist piles of leaves and within the mulch of garden beds. They mostly keep to themselves and have…