Can rats and mice cohabit peacefully?

Dealing with Mice During the Corona Pandemic

Food just like humans is essential to survive. Mice eat in smaller quantities. Therefore, it means they need access to food often too. They have a sensitive sense of smell, hearing, and taste and can pick the scent of food far off. They are mammals and can eat anything a human or their pet will…

Do Carpenter Ants Can Destroy Treated Wood?

Dealing with Carpenter Ants in the Coronavirus Era

Your first chance to find carpenter ants comes when the worker ants are out for food. Carpenter ants eat other insects, including termites. Also, the ants feed on nectar, sweet things, such as honey, and even known to eat dog food. There is additional information on how get rid of carpenter ants. So, it’s possible…

Why Do Carpenter Ants Have Wings?

Why Do Carpenter Ants Have Wings?

Let’s start with another question: do all carpenter ants have wings? It depends. One of the great problems of these ants, in fact, is precisely the presence of the wings in some stages that allows them to infest homes and move much more quickly. In case you see large swarms of insects around your house,…

Why to Use Professional Disinfection Services

There are various reasons why somebody might consider hiring a professional disinfection service as opposed to getting it done all by yourself. One compelling reason to get it done by a professional disinfection service is that it takes a trained eye and proper several years of training and the right certification to ensure that the…

How Many Eggs Does a Carpenter Ant Lay?

How Many Eggs Does a Carpenter Ant Lay?

Few, but the problem of carpenter ants is the ability to infiltrate a house with a lot of wood everywhere and be difficult to find before they become enough to create problems. Periodically, especially if you have had these problems or in your area there are people who have had them, you should at least…

What Type of Cleaning is Included in Commercial Cleaning?

Hiring a commercial cleaning and disinfection service requires a bit of time and research, and knowing exactly what they do when they visit your personal or commercial property is good to know in advance in order to be well aware of what they cover during a cleaning job. Commercial cleaning covers a wide range of…

Professional Grade Disinfectants

Professional Grade Disinfectants vs. Regular Household Disinfectants

There are several characteristics and properties that classify professional-grade disinfectants and regular household disinfectants which can usually be bought in any generic store and that are marketed and sold under many different types of brands. Both disinfectants whether household or professional-grade disinfectants undergo a series of tests before they can legally be called a disinfectant…

Why to Use Professional Disinfection After Removing Raccoon Feces

The reason why it is strongly advised to use a professional disinfection service is because of Baylisascaris,  a roundworm found in raccoons. When a roundworm infects a human, it can have serious consequences for personal health for anyone who came in contact with the feces.  Areas that are of risk of being invaded by this…

Why is Microbial Growth Control Important

Why is Microbial Growth Control Important?

Microbial growth control is important for many practical reasons. There are several instances why microbial growth is important to control according to Kenath Todar PhD, author of “Online Textbook of Bacteriology” “…(1) by killing microorganisms or (2) by inhibiting the growth of microorganisms. Control of growth usually involves the use of physical or chemical agents…