How to Treat Carpenter Bee Holes-ib

How to Treat Carpenter Bee Holes

Carpenter bee holes can be very easily mistaken for a drill hole if you do not pay attention. Since these holes are often very circular in shape,  nearing perfection, it can be hard to distinguish between the two when an untrained eye is looking for them. Not to mention, that these holes can be quite elevated, which finding time can be a little bit challenging at times. Carpenter bees create these perfect circular holes by vibrating their bodies and excavating the holes with the help of the mandibles. It is always the female who chooses a suitable place, and she is the one depositing the eggs and foraging for food to feed her young with. 

If you suspect a carpenter bee presence anywhere near or on your property, contact carpenter bee nest removal Toronto for quick and safe removal.

How to Treat Carpenter Bee Holes

These holes that the carpenter bee burrows are known as cells or galleries. Since carpenter bees do not have a structured colony that lives in a beehive, they are known as solitary bees. these solitary bees hatch in these cells and feed on the food given by the mother. These galleries can be several inches deep to, in extreme cases, a few feet deep. The mother keeps the eggs deep inside the hollow and bores another gallery 90º degrees away from it, essentially creating a ’T’ shape. However, these galleries can be subdivided into more chambers with the help of, what is known as ‘frass’. Frass is made up of small wood particles that the carpenter bees discard when they are tunneling a hole inside the wood. These pieces that are not needed are discarded or, as previously mentioned, repurposed to create partitions in the gallery. 

Carpenter bees are more likely to bore holes and create galleries into softwoods such as cedar or pine. They are also fond of soft plants such as bamboo shoots. They prefer untreated wood that is soft enough to penetrate. It is for this reason why you can see a lot of these holes in logs. The interesting part about these galleries or cells– is that they can get repurposed. Older cells can provide lodging for other carpenter bees as well, making the hole deeper and deeper over time. This will eventually damage the structural integrity of the wood over time. 

To prevent this, it is highly advised to apply varnish to the wood. These include, beams, ledges, edges. wooden railing, and anything that can provide the carpenter bee with substantial depth. Carpenter bees do not like finished and treated wood. Finally, you can use putty to seal pre-existing holes to prevent carpenter bees from settling. 

If you do suspect a carpenter bee presence, it is advised to contact a reputable Pest Control Toronto service based in The Greater Toronto Area. These licensed experts have years of training and specialized knowledge to deal with any type of infestation quickly and effectively.