Before we get into detail it is beneficial to define these two terms and their applications. Disinfection refers Disinfection describes a process that eliminates many or all pathogenic microorganisms, except bacterial spores, on inanimate objects In health-care settings, objects usually are disinfected by liquid chemicals or wet pasteurization. Each of the various factors that affect the efficacy of disinfection can nullify or limit the efficacy of the process. Pasteurization
refers to the process of heating the pathogenic bacteria to a certain period of time this can be best described how milk is pasteurized. Milk enters through a pipe with the enzymes in full working condition, after heating the milk, the enzymes become denatured rendering them non-functioning when moved on to the cooling process the enzymes still cannot continue to function in the process of helping the bacteria to grow. With that in mind, our disinfection and sanitization service can disinfect your office from every nook to every cranny leaving your mind at ease as we all are facing these unprecedented times together by using non-toxic chemicals that have a botanical active ingredient in all of them which is environmentally friendly as well.
It is important to note that pasteurization only destroys the vegetative form of the bacteria. After this process the pasteurized products have to be stored in a cool area to prevent the survival of the other saprophytic bacteria. The temperature in the heating process is usually sixty-two to a hundred degrees Celsius and the duration is going through the heating process can vary from less than a second to half an hour. Different pasteurization methods are used to achieve different sorts of outcomes depending on the product needing pasteurization. In the food industry VAT, pasteurization is commonly used as it destroys pathogenic microorganisms thus increasing the shelf-life of these products. To conclude sterilization is mainly used in medical surgery, microbiology, dentistry, packaging industry, food industry. Pasteurization is a process that kills the pathogenic bacteria by heating to a certain temperature for a set period of time. Sterilization is a process that kills pathogenic and saprophytic microorganisms, vegetative and spore forms, viruses. In sterilization shelf-life of the sterilized products is longer than the one of the pasteurized ones. In the pasteurization, shelf-life of the pasteurized products is shorter than the one of the sterilized ones.
With the announcement that the World Health Organization has deemed coronavirus (COVID-19) a pandemic is in anyone’s best interest to follow basic hygienic precautionary measures by washing the hands for at least twenty seconds and to stay vigilant while we all must practice social distancing. As developments continue to take place each day at a dizzying pace, we must not forget that the best methods of preventing a contraction and halting the spread of COVID-19 lies with ourselves by regularly maintaining cleanliness in and around the workplace.