Do Bed Bugs Have Natural Predators?

Do Bed Bugs Have Natural Predators?

There was a brief period after WWII that the western world thought the war on bed bugs was won. The 1990s saw a resurgence of the pests and some expert suggests that the numbers continue to increase at a rate of 8 – percent every year. The prevalence of bed bugs in North America has been attributed to the banning of potent synthetic pesticides such as DDT which proved effective for exterminating pests but bad for the environment. Bed bugs Toronto services have been under huge pressure recently since the reemergence of bed bugs in Canada and many people wonder whether these persistent and frustrating critters have natural predators. Just like most other living things, bed bugs have their place in the food chain and do have multiple predators. If you need help dealing with a bed bug infestation, call bed bug removal Toronto.

Pharaoh Ants

Pharaoh ants breed quickly and have a varied diet which includes almost any conceivable food and even clothing. The ants primarily feed on fats and sugars. Their diet also includes bed bugs and their eggs. Other ants that also feed on bed bugs include Argentine ants, tropical fire ant and European imported fire ant.


Many species of lizards also eat bed bugs if available. Lizards typically prefer small insects as part of their main diet. It is highly unlikely that lizards in your house will eat the entire bed bug population. The reptile doesn’t specifically go out looking for bed bugs over other insects but will eat the critters if they chance on them.


Many species of spiders routinely trap bed bugs in their webs. The cobweb spider and philodromid crab spider are two examples of spiders that feed on bed bugs. Spiders are typically located in the bedrooms where there are most likely to trap bed bugs.


Common house centipedes roam to find small insects to feed including bed bugs. Again, it is improbable that the house centipede will eat all the bed bugs. These anthropoids are also rare for most homes.

Masked Hunter

The masked hunter is in the same family as the assassin bug and will eat bed bugs given the chance. Although the masked hunter is your ally in your fight against bed bugs, the insect bite can be extremely painful. These insects are also prone to attack when provoked.

Cone Nosed Insects

Cone nosed insects are in the family of assassin bugs also eat bed bugs. These insects are also known as vampire bugs or kissing bugs. These are far worse pests to have than bed bugs. They get their name kissing bug from their nasty habit of biting victims in the face. These insects also spread serious infections.

Masked Bedbug Hunters

Masked bed bug hunters or masked hunters are flying insects that actually hunt bed bugs. They choose their location based on the presence of bed bugs, usually preferring places with bats and pigeons. They also feed on house-infesting arthropods. Although skilled hunters of bed bugs these insects have an extremely painful bite, often compared to a snake bite.

It is certainly not a good idea to attempt to introduce predatory insects or animals. Aside from the fact that many of them spread infections, there is no chance that the new infestation will wipe out the old one. You can only compound your problems in this way.

Hire the Exterminators to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are difficult to get rid of and predators are certainly not going to help. Hire The Exterminators to take care of your bed bug problem permanently. Our services come with a warranty to ensure the job is concluded only after it is successful.

Over the counter, pesticides do not kill bed bugs. The critters are immune to the active ingredients and may spread out or hide further inside crevices if disturbed. The bed bug exterminator in Toronto will also deodorize the home to get rid of the distinct and permeating bed bug odour. Call The Exterminators today and find out about our warranties: 647-496-2211.