Places Where Cockroaches Like to Hide

How To Prevent Cockroaches In Kitchen Cabinets

Salmonella, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, allergies, as well as other diseases, germs and bacteria are just a few of the most pressing health concerns associated with cockroaches. The health issues alone should be more than enough of a reason for you to seek out how to prevent cockroaches in kitchen cabinets. Kitchen cabinets act as perfect hiding, feeding and breeding grounds for cockroach colonies.

Cockroaches are classified as insects that fall into the Blattodea order (an order which also includes termites). Although there are greater than 4,600 known kinds of cockroaches, approximately 30 species are believed to inhabit human habitats. Given the high-risk of disease and infection, coupled with the difficulty associated with cockroach control, homeowners should stay away from do-it-yourself solutions to take care of an existing cockroach infestation.Since an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, a family should first look for how to prevent cockroaches in kitchen cabinets in the first place. Cockroaches possess an amazing ability to survive in some of the world’s most barren environments. Therefore, homes provide thousands of areas for cockroaches to scavenge for food and other living essentials. Kitchen cabinets, in particular, are favourite hiding spots for cockroaches. Your home is a never-ending buffet of food waste, crumbs and treats for an army of cockroaches. This coupled with a vast number of hiding places, and breeding grounds make having a reputable and licensed exterminator even more critical. So as far as prevention goes, clean every last area of your kitchen or any other place you eat food! It’s areas where you’re most likely to find scraps of food, crumbs and other edibles that ultimately allow cockroaches to thrive inside your home. Make sure to regularly wipe down kitchen cabinets both inside and out. Splattered food on the outside of kitchen cabinets or crumbs left on the inside can provide the incentive for cockroaches to stick around. This simple preventative method will go a long way towards reducing the chances of these unwelcome guests taking up permanent residence inside your domicile.

How to get rid of cockroaches in cupboards

Depending on what there is in the cupboards, it helps to regularly check for spills as it may easily attract cockroaches. For this to be as effective as possible it will help to take everything out of the cupboard, one by one. It could be that spices, sticky substances may be left from a long time ago that went unnoticed. If you have containers where you store other items in it also helps to clean the containers out as well. Any hint of a clue of food or the presence of food will trigger them to go and explore the place. It is important that you regularly clean the kitchen as part of at least a daily routine after each use.

Cleaning cabinets after the pest control?

You might want to put off cleaning your cabinets right away, it may take about two weeks before you will see the full effect. Since it will take a take reaction before cockroaches will feast off the dead cockroaches and will perish following eating from the other cockroaches. It is important to let the formulations do its work.

How to keep bugs out of cabinets

It takes a bit of patience and trust that the formulation is doing its job. After two weeks is over and you see a decrease in cockroach activity then it is all up to you to take care of the rest and to make sure that cabinets, counters, and floors are all cleaned out, wiped, and mopped, and that food is properly stored. It is important to follow up on all the suggestions your pest control technicians recommend as it protects you against a second infestation.

What to do if you see cockroaches in kitchen cabinets

Having multiple cockroaches in your home or business in disgusting and undesirable. Cockroaches are known to transmit diseases leaving behind stains and unpleasant odors.  That’s is why it can be very frustrating when you first spot a cockroach in your cabinet. The most effective means of treating a cockroach infestation is by preventing it in the first place.

Clean up your cabinets

Good cleaning habits will keep away cockroaches and discourage them from attacking your cabinets. Leaving crumbs and uncovered food in your cabinets will invite them. Therefore, always make sure that you clean up your cabinets, seal up crack and crevices and store food in plastic containers.

Reduce hiding places

Decluttering your house will go along way in reducing the number of placed cockroaches can hide. The more places cockroaches have in your home to hide the more likely they will attack your cabinets. If possible caulk, seal all cracks in your cupboards and exterior structures. Also, perform an inspection of your appliances for cockroach presence.

Why Cockroaches like living in kitchen cabinets

One of the reasons why a cockroach will invade your home is in search of food, water and shelter. Your kitchen cabinets offer a valuable source of food since it is ever fully packed. In case you rarely cover food, or leave cereal boxes open, cockroaches will surely find their way into your cabinets. Cabinets also make the perfect hiding spaces given that they are dark, and stacked with containers and food.

Cockroaches living in your cabinet is very dangerous since it provides everything they need, they will soon begin to multiply, posing a threat to your health and comfort.

How to Get Rid of Cockroaches in Kitchen Cabinets

Are you seeing cockroaches in your kitchen cabinets? Cabinets are a cockroach favourite. They provide the bugs with comfortable places to hide, close to all the food and water they will ever need. Getting cockroaches out of the cabinets, however, is not easy. Cockroaches are highly mobile, adaptable creatures that resist store-bought insecticides. If you’re worried about a cockroach infestation, feel free to give The Exterminators Inc. a call.

The most likely species of cockroach that you’re finding in your kitchen is the German cockroach. This cockroach is about 12 to 16mm long and has flightless wings on its back. The cockroach’s body is glossy and brown, with two parallel black stripes that run down its back. This species of cockroach prefers kitchens and a bathroom where there is an abundance of food and moisture. As a nocturnal omnivore, the German cockroach hides during the day and comes out at night to eat whatever it finds. Cockroaches are not only found in kitchen cabinets. They can be found hiding in, under, and around drawers, countertops, sinks, and appliances. They may even hide in upholstered furniture.

To get rid of cockroaches, you can start by cleaning up your living space. Remove clutter from the kitchen to reduce the number hiding spots there are available. Make sure you do the dishes every day and put food away in sealed containers. Don’t leave any food or water out as this will attract the insects. Take out the garbage every night and keep surfaces clean and dry. You should also sweep or vacuum on a regular basis and seal any cracks you find in the walls or cabinets. These habits are good at deterring cockroaches.

To get rid of the cockroaches completely, you will need the help of a professional. Even with all your cleaning efforts, cockroaches will continue to live in your kitchen. Cockroaches are very good at hiding and difficult to remove with store-bought products. When treating for cockroaches yourself, you also risk displacing them from one room to the other. A pest removal technician will be able to assess your cockroach situation and take the right course of action. The pesticides that professionals use are much more effective, and they have the tools to reach the bugs in all their hiding spots. Only a certified technician will have the residual insecticides it takes to make sure the bugs don’t come back.

So, if you have cockroaches in your cabinets, it’s time to hire a professional. At The Exterminators Inc., our experienced crew members use an ultra-light volume mist that reaches deep in the cracks and crevices of your kitchen. This draws the insects out and eliminates them on the spot. We also apply residual insecticides that prevent the cockroaches from coming back. Everything we use is safe and environmentally friendly. If you have a cockroach problem and need it solved.

Cockroaches love the dark, it’s almost impossible to see them comfortably scurrying around in broad daylight, and in case they do, it might be a sign of a serious infestation.  Dark spaces in your kitchen such as your cupboards, closets, cabinets and drawers offer the best hiding spots for cockroaches.

Cockroaches love being around water since they cannot survive without it for more than seven days. Therefore, the areas that connect pipes to your premises often behind cabinets and floors are sources of warmth, water and dampness, which cockroaches seem to enjoy.

If you spot cockroaches in your cabinet, you could easily get rid of them by using poison baits and pesticides. However, you need to be cautious when using chemical since they have toxins that could contaminate your food. Also ensure you safely place the baits where pets and children cannot access them. Cleaning your kitchen regularly will also discourage cockroaches from invading your kitchen cabinets. Ensure you have no leaking pipes, and keep all surfaces dry.

If you can still spot cockroaches, it might be a good idea to contact your local exterminator. They will perform an inspection and advise you on the best course of action.

However, if you ever find yourself in the unfortunate position of having cockroaches around your home, then the first thing you must do is to reach out to a licensed exterminator to expedite the removal of these little health threats. The biggest mistake that an individual can make is wasting time, money and introducing additional chemicals to their residence while attempting to take care of a cockroach infestation on their own.

In the end, while you’re spinning your wheels with traps and sprays the enemy is becoming more and more entrenched in your living quarters while continuing to breed and spreading diseases to you and your loved ones. This puts your family at risk while making it more difficult and costly for you to have them removed down the road.

If you happen to have a cockroach problem call the Exterminators now at 647-496-2211. We deal with all types of cockroach problems in and provide effective solutions to all cockroach problems including for German and Oriental cockroaches.

Article Updated: August 25, 2020