Why is Microbial Growth Control Important

Why is Microbial Growth Control Important?

Microbial growth control is important for many practical reasons. There are several instances why microbial growth is important to control according to Kenath Todar PhD, author of “Online Textbook of Bacteriology” “…(1) by killing microorganisms or (2) by inhibiting the growth of microorganisms. Control of growth usually involves the use of physical or chemical agents which either kill or prevent the growth of microorganisms…” (Todar). According to Todar many early surgeons and medical practitioners in the early 19th century did not use sanitary procedures to ensure the safety and health they used to operate on this goes as far as not even washing their hands. Many of these surgeons performed surgeries in their ordinary clothes without using basic hygienic and sterilized environments to work in . Surgeons and medical practitioners performed medical interventions without gloves and used to suture open wounds using their own needles often sticking it back to their coats when they were not using them. These types of malpractice lead to a high surge of infections and eventual deaths during the most routine operations.  

It was French scientist Louis Pasteur that proved that microbiological organisms caused disease. English scientist Joseph Lister was then influenced by Pasteur’s work leading to the foundation of modern antiseptic surgery. Louis Pasteur would be the first one to disinfect the operating room by using a solution of carbolic acid (phenol) and spraying it around the room. It was met by skepticism and critique in the medical community as many could not accept the unseen. The control of microbiological growth is essential in areas such as in the medical field, pharmaceutical field, food industry, and in bio-tech.  

In the field of microbiology, there is no grey area when it comes to degrees of sterilization. An object is sterile or not sterile. In microbiology, sterilization refers to the complete destruction or elimination of viable organisms in or on a substance that is being sterilized. Controlling the growth of harmful microbiological organisms usually involves either a physical or chemical process by which agents that are called cidal agents; agents which restrains the growth of cells without killing them are referred to as static agents. Therefore bactericidal refers to killing bacteria, and bacteriostatic refers to restraining the growth of bacterial cells. A bactericide kills bacteria, a fungicide kills fungi.

There are several methods to sterilizing a substance or object. The most common and important one is by means of heat. However, the right temperature and time applying the heat are critical to ensure it is destroying all microbial organisms. Another method is incineration which burns all the organisms and destroys them. Another common method of sterilization in boiling water for thirty minutes at 100 degrees celsius. Other methods involve steaming, dry heating, filtration, application of ultraviolet rays among others. Sterilization cannot be undermined as it plays a critical role in ensuring the well being and safety of patients worldwide and reduces the risk of being infected greatly. Through significant advances over the years, sterilization is now part of every medical routine. The Exterminators provides commercial-grade disinfection and sanitizing services, call us to book a service at 647-496-2211.