Wasp Nests in the Ground

Wasp Nests in the Ground

Most people would imagine a wasp nest under a shed, roof ceiling or tree, but did you know that some wasps build their nests in the ground? These wasps are known as ground wasps, sand wasps or digger wasps. Getting rid of a wasp nest is a tricky business, and if you are brave enough, you might be able to get rid of a wasp nest in the ground and live to tell a happy story. It goes without saying that the occupants of these ground nests will resist any effort you make to get rid of them by stinging the daylights out of you. We recommend calling professional wasp removal services in Toronto before you proceed with DIY methods. 

Do Wasps Make Nests in the Ground?

Do Wasps Make Nests in the Ground?

The ground wasps’ larvae are normally raised in the ground, in mud celled nets that are constructed by the female wasp. It’s very important to distinguish between the different species of ground nests. The Cicada killer wasp is a large hovering insect and is fairly harmless. Gardeners love them for permeating their flowers but don’t let their gentle nature fool you. They will sting when provoked! The yellow jackets, on the other hand, are aggressive, they are known to attack in groups and will sting several times. The cicada can be a nuisance to property owners, they are known to cause lawn damage when they build their nests.

The ground digger wasps are attracted to flowers; they rely on nectar as their food source. Wasps that build their nests in the ground fall into two categories. Solitary ground wasps and social ground wasps. Solitary ground wasps will live in isolation and only build a nest for its larvae. However, social wasps live in large colonies that are hierarchical. These colonies are lead by a queen. These wasps can be found throughout Southern Canada, Ontario and Toronto. They prefer sandy soil since it makes it easier excavating their burrows. The entrance of this wasp ground nests can be found near flagstones and patios. In case you have social or solitary wasps in your garden or lawn, they can be easily controlled by a professional pest control company or technician with the appropriately labelled insecticide.

Ground Wasp Nest Removal

Safety should be your number one priority when getting rid of wasps. First, get yourself a pair of gardening gloves and a net to cover your face. Be sure to wear long sleeves and pants when you approach the nest. Wasps can get aggressive when you approach, and they may sting you multiple times.

Next, you will want to be sure that you have found the wasp nest. Spraying insecticide in the wrong place may harm insects that are beneficial to your garden. Try following the wasps that fly around your property and see if you can spot them going underground. The entrance to a ground wasp nest looks like a clump of dirt with a small opening inside of it, usually about the size of a quarter.

Visit your local hardware store or pest control professional and purchase an insecticide that is specifically formulated for wasps. Read its instructions carefully, then approach the nest at night. Wasps hide in their nests while it is dark outside. Apply the insecticide generously inside the opening to the nest. If you are using a powder, the wasps will pick up the dust later and carry it inside the nest, where it will eliminate the wasp population at its core.

For guaranteed results, hire a local pest control company. A technician can find the nest for you and he or she will use professional-grade products that work better than those available in stores. Pest control companies like The Exterminators often provide a warranty with their work, so if the wasps come back to the nest, so will a technician.

Best Time to Spray Wasps in the Ground

Wasp nests in the ground are easy to spot, sometimes painfully when gardening or mowing your lawn. It’s easy to get rid of ground nests by use of insecticides. The best time to plan your wasp attack needs to be at sunrise or dusk. During this time ground wasps are least active.

However, the removal of ground wasps needs to be left to the experts due to the risk of getting severely stung. It’s also best to call in the professionals as soon as you start to spot the wasps. Many people try to get rid of ground wasp nests but fail because they did not treat the nest as soon as they appeared. Inspect your home, garden, and lawn regularly for active wasp nests so that a small wasp problem doesn’t turn into a big one. You can also get rid of the wasp nest during the daytime, but it will only be successful if wasp treatment is used.

First, you will need to look for the den. They are identifiable as fist-sized moulds in the soil. Their entrances are normally in soil without grass. Mark the entrances with a flag or stake during the day. Your pest control company will do the elimination at night or early in the morning. This is the most effective time to attack since all the wasps are inside the nest. The nest is normally treated by spraying around the nest opening until it gets soaked. After 24 hours, your wasp problem will be history.

How Do You Get Rid of Ground Wasps?

How Do You Get Rid of Ground Wasps?

Treating ground wasps needs to be done in the cover of the night without disturbing or shaking the nest. You can treat the nests with insecticides or any other treatment recommended by your pest control service.

Extreme care needs to be taken when spraying directly onto bushes and trees. In case some of the sprays get into contact with the house, it’s recommended that the area is cleaned out the next day due to the oil bases. If you are dealing with social wasps, take extreme caution and dress appropriately. Ensure you have a long-sleeved shirt, eyewear, a beehat, gloves and coveralls.

Inspect and make sure you examine all the protected areas where there is ground wasp activity, Removing the wasp nest alone will not solve the problem since surviving wasps will soon reconstruct a new ground nest. It’s best to treat the wasp nest at night, at this time, the queen and all the workers are present.

In case you are spraying insecticide, ensure that this activity is done at night. They are less aggressive, and will all be in the nest. This tactic is very effective since it will get rid of almost all the wasps. Also, avoid pointing the light directly into the wasp ground nest, since wasps are naturally attracted to light.

In case you decide to do a daytime treatment, it’s most effective if the wasp ground nest is treated or the wasps in the nest are killed. The wasp nest in the ground needs to be removed immediately after,and the attachment area is treated. Workers returning to the nest will die after contact with the residual. After elimination, make sure you get rid of the wasp ground nest to prevent secondary infestation.

How Do You Get Rid of Ground Hornets?

Just like ground wasps, ground hornets love to build their nests in tree stumps, walls and even ceilings. They are still known to build their nests inside rodent burrows, making it difficult to remove the nests. In case the Hornets in your home don’t pose any threat, its best to leave them alone, however, in case they do, ground hornets need to be trapped or poisoned.

The safest and most effective way of getting rid of ground hornets is to call a professional pest control service. But in case you decide to deal with the problem by yourself, mark the nest during the day, and plan to act at night. Just like wasps, ground hornets are less active at night, and it’s also a good chance to attack since all the insects will be inside the nest.

Ensure you wear protective clothing such as coveralls, boots, gloves and headgear when approaching the hornet nest. If possible, tape down the cuffs and collar of your clothes and sleeves. Set up all the equipment that you will use a distance away from the nest since hornets are attracted to light. You can use either soap and water or insecticide dust to deal with the problem.

You can also purchase traps and set them at appropriate distances as advised by your pest control professional. Remove the ground nest 24 hours after Hornets have been eliminated. If you are allergic to insect stings and dint have the necessary equipment to carry out this termination, don’t attempt to get rid of the hornet’s ground nest by yourself. Leave that task for the professionals.

Stings from a wasp almost always end in pain, swelling and fever, however, in worst case scenarios wasp and hornet stings could be dangerous and especially to people who have sting allergies. Severe allergic reactions could cause a person’s blood pressure to drop drastically. Low blood pressure could be fatal. In case you suspect you have a ground wasp nest in your home it’s important to have a professional pest control service take care of your wasp problem.

So if you suspect a wasp infestation on one of the trees near your home, don’t hesitate to call professional extermination services for fast eradication to ensure the safety of you and your entire family. Aside from our wasp nest removal services we offer a section of wasp control products. Call The Exterminators: 647-496-2211.