
Wild Mice and Exclusion in Toronto

The initial call to the property was for mice activity in the attic. Often this kind of activity is not from the European House mouse as they cannot climb and jump anymore. They can infest a home and can infest the attic but in their case, it can take time and you will surely see…

Mice and Exclusion Old Toronto

Mice and Exclusion Old Toronto

The initial call to the property was for a severe mouse infestation that turned out to be rats. Rats and mice are similar in that they are both rodents. However, rats are far more dangerous both to your home and to human health. They are capable of damaging your house in ways mice never could.…


Mice And Rodent Exclusion In Ayr

The initial call to the property was for a customer who noticed a mouse infestation in their home. The mice were feeding on food in the kitchen with clear chewing signs and feces. A technician was sent out to treat the infestation and insect for rodent exclusion. House mice, unlike native wild mice like the…

a squirrel a mouse and a rat in old toronto case study

A Squirrel, a Mouse And a Rat In Old Toronto

The initial call to the property was for a customer who believed there were squirrels, rats, or mice in her home and on the outside. There was a severe smell in the basement of dead animals and activity was heard constantly in the walls and the attic. This situation can be frightening when it turns…

How to Get Rid of Tiny Rats in my House

How to Get Rid of Tiny Rats in my House?

Having rats on the interior of the house is an awful thing to deal with. These are highly destructive creatures that will wreak havoc on the interior of your walls and put you and your family at risk of getting sick. If the rats in your home are very small, it is possible that they…

All All Rodenticides Created Equally

Best Rodenticide For Rats?

Shopping for rodenticides can be confusing. How can you tell which will work better? There are so many different rodenticides available, but how do you know which rodenticide is the best for rats? All of them target rats and mice, but there is variety in their ingredients and how they function. Understanding the risks involved…

What Do Mice Eat

What Do Mice Eat

Have you ever stopped to think what mice eat apart from your cheese? Mice are very opportunistic rodents and voracious eaters. They love to find places to nest that are warm and have access to food and nesting material, which might also include your home. Protect your food storage with our mice exterminator Toronto services.…