Hornets and Wasps play a very crucial role in our environment. They feed on other insects, and these keep the population of insects in check. For most of the part, hornets do their job really well. But it’s when we cross paths with them that things often get out of hand.
Getting stung by a hornet isn’t something to look forward to, the symptoms can be very uncomfortable, although most people will recover quickly without any complications. Hornets just like bees are equipped with a stinger, as their main self-defence weapon. Hornet’s venom can cause severe pain and irritation. Some of the symptoms of a hornet sting include severe swelling of facial features or throat, itching on infected areas, and sometimes breathing complications.
Hornets build their nests so that they can have a place to lay their eggs. They normally build their nests in trees, roof eaves, and rafters. Hornet nests are easily identifiable; their nests look like they have been made out of mud or paper and will most likely be shaped like a big lump or a cone. In case you notice a wasp nest close to your home, you may need to take a proactive measure and get rid of them fast in order to protect both you and your family.
Removing a Hornet Nest
Getting rid of a hornet nest is a dangerous affair, and in case you do not have the right equipment and gear, or the heart, call your hornet removal Toronto service. Hornets are diurnal insects meaning they are only active in daylight. Therefore, getting rid of them in the evening or night is the best time since most of them will be in the nest. Make sure you use an insecticide that is specifically made to kill hornets, and in case you are unsure, call your pest control service.
When you spray, ensure you are 15 feet away from the nest, so that you can be out of harm’s way. In case you are using the right insecticide, it should kill the Hornets at first contact. Wait a bit after spraying to ensure that all the Hornets are dead. Get rid of the hornet nest after you are certain all the Hornets have left or are dead. This is to avoid re-infestation of the abandoned nest. Its advisable to dump the treated hornet nest in a heavy-duty plastic bag and dispose of it.
Clean the area the hornet nest was initially with soap and water. If you have rodent nests and burrows around your property have them filled with soil. Burrows can attract wasps and ground hornets. Fill all entry points in and around your house. Also, inspect your yard during springtime filling up any crevices in your spot. You might need to make these checks throughout spring and early summer to be completely sure.
When its time to call in the professionals
In case your hornet nest is too big or is latched to a hard-to-reach place, it’s best to have a professional do the extermination for you. A good rule of thumb is never to attempt to get rid of a hornet nest larger than the size of a tennis ball by yourself. Terminating such a colony is dangerous, even if you are sure you are not allergic to the stings. At this point, it would only be safe to call for professional help for your safety and those around you. Experts have the knowledge and industry experience to exterminate the Hornets, identify their nesting areas, and will help you ensure that they do not re-infest your property after they are exterminated. Call The Exterminators: 647-496-2211.