Do Rats Nest Inside Homes?

Seeing Rats Inside – Can They Nest Inside Your Home?

As winter approaches, rats can be seen more often running around in the gardens. This needs to be a warning sign, but there is always a way of coping with them. Rats typically nest in urban areas in search of food, water, and shelter. Common species such as the roof rat and the Norway rat find their way into your homes, barns, warehouses, sewers, and stores that are in close proximity to humans.

Since they prefer to find their food around homes, restaurants, and businesses, these small pests will enter your home through tiny cracks and holes in your foundation or roof. Other avenues such as floor drains, open doors, and previously infested packages also allow the destructive rodents to get access into your home where they can set up their nests and infest your place. Call your local rat control company to deal with the infestation immediately.

Rat nest construction

Rats will make their nests out of anything they can find around your home including cotton, human debris, wood, twigs and plant material that they find in enclosed dark areas in your home.  Just like humans, rats prefer to build their homes in comfortable, enclosed areas such as your attic, boxed-in plumbing, under porches, crawl spaces and between walls. They will also build their nests around your home in debris piles, old furniture, garbage dumps and fallen trees.

In case you have heard scratching noises or found dark capsule-like shaped droppings in your home, there’s a good chance there is a rat in your house meaning you could be at risk of a rat infestation if they begin nesting. In case you suspect you have a rat infestation in your home, call a professional and have them check it out. Rat activity could soon turn into an infestation, that could lead to significant destruction and health issues if ignored.

Where do rats nest inside homes?

When rats normally enter your house they usually look for secluded areas. Normally they look for areas that are difficultly accessible. Areas that are usually are frequented by rats are crawl spaces, the basement, crawl spaces, in between walls, and when they find a good convenient spot outside, they will usually choose a place with lots of vegetation and in corners.  It is very important to understand how to get rid of rats in the wall cavity since they can cause a fire. If you found a nest made from shredded material such as paper, cardboard, and leaves that might be an indication of a rats nest. If you see droppings, traces, footprints, and rub marks on the walls and floors that can be signs of an active habitat. If you see signs of damage and bite marks it could be a sign that rats are chewing and gnawing items that they find around the space to keep their front teeth in check.

A Case Apart, The Roof Rat

When people generally think about rats, they usually imagine them swimming in sewers, eating from the garbage, and scurrying away on the streets between the garbage bins and dirt. But what most people do not think about is the possibility of a rat climbing all the way up to your attic and making a nest. The issue starts when rats can have unlimited power to come in and out to their heart’s content. Essentially what roof rats do when they do that they have unlimited range, is build nests piece by piece often finding materials either in the attic space or bringing things in from the outside. When they find insolation they will make that their primary building material and the rest is history. Roof rats can cause an enormous amount of damage in a short span of time, especially when they start gnawing on various items around the space which can have devastating consequences if they are looking to grind their teeth on copper wiring. When your attic space is not occupied they will take full advantage of the space and will in some instances start spawning multiple generations. In time your attic space will be scattered with feces and urine all over. To prevent this, you need licensed professionals that can determine whether your attic space is vulnerable to rat infestations so they can seal and proof the entry-points.

What you need to know about rat nest

Black rat (Rattus rattus)

Depending on what species of rats you are dealing with it can be argued that each species has its own way to nest themselves. The Norway Rat has the tendency to dig burrows close to the structural bases of man-made structures. These structures can be wonderfully complex depending on how many rats how these burrows. Rat structures can be often found in houses and under porches outside. These are often made from different materials found and brought in to make the nest. The nest is usually made up of different kind of paper materials, cardboard, and other materials found around the property. Rats nest can be found above the ground, the trees, and on the roof when you are dealing with a roof rat. When you want to get rid of a rats nest you have to take precautionary measures to ensure your safety. Wear gloves, a mask, and if possible goggles. Have a bag ready and mix a water-bleach solution and pour it on the nest and let it soak for at least 5 minutes before disassembling the nest piece for piece. Make sure the nest is bagged in two bags.

I think I have a rat in my house

Roof rat peeps out of a hole in the roof

The presence of rats in your home can easily be detected if you are able to recognize the signs to look for. One of the most obvious signs could be rat droppings in feeding areas or around their nests or runways. Their urine can also be detected and appear in passageways and can be traced by the use of ultraviolet light.

You could easily detect rats nesting in your house by footprints or tail marks they make in dusty areas; Rats are more active at night than during the day making it’s quite simple to spot the signs of a rat infestation than the rodent itself. In case you suspect that you have a rat infestation, but you are unsure of yourself, here are a few signs that could indicate the little critters are nesting in your house.

  • Rub marks. Rats are invasive, and during their active night shift hours, they will go through everything and anything. You have probably run into them enjoying your leftover pizza as you went for your midnight snack. Rats will leave rub marks from the grease and dirt in their bodies, leaving smudges on your surfaces.
  • Rat droppings. This is perhaps the easiest sign of a rat infestation other than seeing the rat itself. Their droppings are dark brown and tapered and resemble a grain.
  • Rats nests. If you come across shredded pieces of clothing, cardboard or loft insulation in crawl spaces or your attic, it’s probably a rat nest. They often use this kind of material they pick around your house to build their nests. This is a sure sign of a rat infestation.
  • Footprints. Rat prints are easily identifiable and especially in dusty areas. The leave footprints and tail marks in their paths as they scavenge for food and water.

If you notice any of these signs, it’s recommended that you act swiftly. A small rat problem could easily turn into a big problem. Rats multiply fast; a few rats could easily turn into a colony that could tear down your house having costly implications. Call The Exterminators Pest Control Toronto at 647-496-2211 or check our online shop for some rat control products.

Article Updated: November 3, 2020