Difference between wasp and hornet

Difference between wasp and hornet

The social wasp makes its nest from many various kinds of material such as mud, plants, and inside wood made from their secretion. Many materials are gathered and built in a honeycomb pattern and are frequently strengthened by an extra protective layer. The locations vary based on what kind of wasp species you are dealing with. Some wasps such as the yellow jacket like to build its nest in tree hollows and shrubs. 

If you are dealing with wasps on your property, call the professionals from Wasp Removal Toronto. We can remove wasp or nests easily!

The Mud dauber builds its nest in a radically different way, namely, from mud with its shapes in cylinders. Apart from that, there are other wasps that prefer to build their nest entirely out of sight from any human regards. Most solitary wasp species such as the yellow jacket make their nest often in deserted rat burrows.

 The hornet is also considered a wasp and they look similar to the yellow jackets only significantly larger. The hornet is considered a social wasp and constructs its nest from a paper-like material similar to the paper wasp which owes its name to the material it builds its nest from. Many hornets build their nests in cavities and shrubs. Hornets have the capability to sting their victims several times and are known to go on the attack in groups.

In the spring a female hornet, the queen selects a place to find her colony a place to start a nest.  The larvae are hatched and it undergoes 5 stages. The first generation of the hornet cells is arranged in a vertical manner which we call combs. As she lays an egg in each colony the eggs begin the hatch a week later. When the nest is created the colony takes over the responsibilities of the queen.

The main difference is that hornets tend to have larger colonies and those wasp colonies typically count around 100 wasps or less. Since wasps and hornets look quite similar the placement and size are good indicators to see which pest you are dealing with.

The damage that especially ground hornets can incur on lawns are far greater than other types of wasps since they mainly focus on hunting and expanding their nest. The hornet on the other hand dig burrows deep into the ground up to 10 inches. During tunneling several chambers the hornet leaves loose dirt above the entrance. The ground hornets are often the nightmare of gardeners and hobbyists alike when they see this terrifying hornet flying around.

The stings delivered by the female are said to be excruciating. Pets and children should stay far away from these burrows as these honest can perceive anyone as a threat. Pets that are stung in sensitive areas such as close to the mouth should be immediately brought to a veterinarian. When children are involved they should be immediately brought to a hospital. 

Despite their menacing nature, hornets in general are very beneficial for the ecosystem as they  usually eat insects such as spiders, caterpillars, and flies. These insects breed and multiply rapidly so they can be considered the population control of nature. Apart from that, hornets also pollinate several species of flowers as well paving the way for new life.

Wasp nests are open and are usually suspended from solid objects or strutters such as soffits or tree branches. Hornets on the other hand have the tendency to build nests on trees or shrubs and they are closed. It would not be weird to see them build on walls either.

If you notice a wasp or hornet presence, it is highly recommended to contact a professional wasp and hornet removal service to remove the nest and the wasp or hornet presence by a licensed technician. Licensed technicians are specialists that have all the necessary tools and equipment available to make wasps or hornets a thing of the past. Make sure you don’t get stung and call The Exterminators Inc. at 647-496-2211.