Rat Holes in the Ground

Why Rats Are Attracted to Your Home

It may seem that yours is the only home in Ontario that rats prefer and this is partially true. Rats are primarily attracted to three things; steady supply of food, safe hiding spots and good living environment namely the presence of humidity, warmth and moisture. Knowing how rats get in the house is important to avoid future infestations.

It is worth noting that a female rat has a gestation period of roughly three weeks. An adult female can reproduce up to 15 times in a single year, and each litter contains between 8-10 youngling. These statistics mean that there is no such thing as a ‘small’ rat problem. Spotting one or two rats means that the population could grow exponentially in a very short time. A rat problem needs to be addressed by calling your local rat control specialist as soon as you are aware of the issue.

Why Rats Are Attracted to Your Home

Food: unfortunately for humans, rats have a good memory. This means that when they find a food source, they will return for as long as the supply is available. Although these rodents are scavengers, they show a preference for high-energy foods such as meat, bread, rice, potatoes, sweets and cereals. If these foods are easily accessible in your home or garbage, rats in the area will gravitate towards your home. These creatures also have an acute sense of smell which enables them to easily track potential food sources.

Hiding Spaces: rats also require safe hiding spots especially for the purpose of breeding. They prefer isolated areas such as the attic, basement or garage. Clutter, junk, holes in walls and general mess also provide perfect hiding places for rats to breed.

Favorable Environment: rats like to live in humid, warm, and moist environments. In fact, the rodents can get by with just 1 oz. of water a day. Moisture from leaking taps or pipes will attract rats, especially when combined with warmth. This kind of perfect environment is most common in garages, laundry areas, garden sheds, basements, and attics. Often rats build burrows near a house and you can notice rat holes in your garden, these holes indicate a full-blown-in infestation and you might want to learn how to fill rat holes in garden before calling a pest control company.

Rats are nocturnal animals and avoid humans whenever possible. If you physically spot a rat there is a good chance that you are facing a major infestation. Apart from seeing the rodents, you may also notice gnawing, chewing or nibbling on food packages or containers, electrical wires, insulation and skirting boards. Rat droppings and urine are also obvious signs of an infestation.

Call a Professional Pest Control Company

It may be tempting to take extermination into your own hands but DIY rat control is rarely effective. Rats are good at hiding and cautious by nature so placing traps and poison may not be effective if you are not well versed in rat activity. There is also the very real risk of harming children and pets through ill placed traps and poison.

A Professional rat exterminator in Ontario is able to assess the scale of the rat problem and find the best way to perform the extermination. The expert is also responsible for cleanup which is a delicate task. Most homeowners are well aware of the many diseases that rats carry but few appreciate the fact that these diseases are also present in rat nests, droppings and urine.

Finally, the expert will advise or undertake rodent-proofing to fortify your home against a future infestation.  Insist on an exterminator who offers a warranty for the job In case the problem is not sufficiently addressed the first time. Call the Exterminators at 647-496-2211 or check our online shop for some rat control products.