mouse control

How to Clean Up After Mice Infestation

How to Clean Up After Mice Infestation

Once you have successfully evicted mice from your home by mice pest control, you are now left with the aftermath of your unwelcome guests. Mouse urine and feces is a fertile ground for bacteria and potential diseases including leptospirosis, Hantavirus, plague, salmonellosis and rat-bite fever among others. It is imperative that you clean all traces…

I Found a Mouse in My House – What to Do?

Mice are some of the most common home invaders, not to mention among the most destructive animals in the world. They will eat food in your storage, damage your walls, gnaw on electrical wiring in your walls which can lead to electrical fires in your home, chew on your furniture and upholstery, not to mention…

Best Mouse Snap Traps

Best Mouse Snap Traps – Victor Snap Traps, T-Rex, Victor Tin Cats

Having a mouse infestation in your home can be very troubling. Besides the fact that they disturb your peace with their incessant squeaks, mice urine and droppings can be very smelly and cause health hazards. To do proper mice control, it is advisable to hire a licensed exterminator who can offer professional treatments by using…

Mice in Attached Garage - Getting Rid of Mice

Mice in Attached Garage – Getting Rid of Mice

A garage is usually the first place that mice will go to before making their way into your home. This is true especially if you have an attached garage. The attached garage is a type of a garage that is connected to a house by a continuous roofline, therefore, makes it easy for mice to…

mouse in trash bin

Can You Fumigate For Mice As A Mouse Control Method?

Absolutely Not. There is no legal fumigation treatment for mice. Following the mouse invasion of your home, you begin to wonder if you can fumigate for mice. No. Mouse control methods which involve applying do-it-yourself solutions can be costly and typically have a high failure rate. Most importantly, strict pesticide regulations in Ontario means you…

What Does an Exterminator Do For Mice – Professional Mouse Control

What Does an Exterminator Do For Mice – Professional Mouse Control

If you have a problem with mice at home, you might think it’s easier to try and tackle the problem yourself – but this is not recommended! Exterminators have years of experience in eliminating mice permanently. Let’s take a look at what the professional mouse control Toronto services do and why it is better to…

Get Rid Of Mice for Good Hire an Exterminator

Get Rid Of Mice for Good – Hire an Exterminator

Perhaps the most annoying creature of the rodent family, mice, continue to invade almost any if not all available space in our homes and workplaces alike. Mouse infestation is a problem affecting not only Toronto but other major cities in the world and its scale cannot go ignored anymore. Do we have a solution in…

What to Do When You See a Mouse

What to Do When You See a Mouse

Seen a mouse in your house? If you see a mouse in your home, that’s a clear indication that you might have a mice problem. Mice have a way of making themselves scarce even when there are lots of them in the house. You might not realize that you have a mice invasion until the…

Strongest Rat:Mouse Poisons

Strongest Rat/Mouse Poisons – Difethialone, Bromadiolone, Brodifacoum

Getting rid of rats or mice is a priority once you notice their presence in your home. It is strongly advised that you avoid do-it-yourself solutions because of their high rate of failure and the recurring cost associated with it. Knowing how to trap rats correctly does contribute to a better chance, but you can…

Mice in Walls How to Get Rid Of Them

Mice in Walls – How to Get Rid Of Them

Even the most avid animal lovers probably don’t like the idea of having mice nesting in their walls. Mice are very tiny rodents, and they can quickly bring down the property value of your house, not to mention they’ve been known to chew holes in drywall and creep out at night to nibble on the…