Prevent Wasps from Entering House

Prevent Wasps from Entering House

Apart from their nesting preferences, what differentiates wasps from bees is that bees will feed their larvae on pollen while wasps feed their larvae on insects. When you think about this fact, wasps are actually great to have in your garden since they will help control insects that feed on your plants. Despite all the different ways in which wasps help benefit the environment, wasp stings can cause an allergic reaction that can be deadly for some people. Therefore, before they begin building a nest that is too close to your house or porch, you need to do something to prevent wasps from entering the house. So, what attracts wasps to your home?

What attracts wasps to houses?

One of the main reason wasps are attracted to your property or home is because they are looking for a safe, warm place. On the onset of winter impregnated queens typically look for favourable nesting place for hibernation. Your home’s insulated walls, cervices, cavities and cracks offer perfect nesting areas for social wasps.

During the warmer months, the queen will begin looking for food. This explains why wasps are attracted to your home during the warmer months when you are likely to be spending a lot of time in the yard. They fly low preying on insects, larvae and grab in the soil. They also look for sugar in the form of spilled drinks, fallen fruits or leftover food in uncovered trash cans. Wasps eat other insects such as flies, caterpillars, aphids, beetles as well as hanging trash. Homeowners also need to note that wasps are attracted by sweet fragrances from lotions, flowers, and air fresheners.

Their preference for food depends on the time of the year. During the warmer seasons of the year, wasps will have an appetite for protein-based foods such as meats and scraps. In fall and winter, they crave for sweeter foods. It’stherefore advisable to ensure your home is clean from leftovers to avoid attracting wasps into your living areas.

What deters wasps?

Wasps are territorial insects; they will normally nest 200 meters away from another nest. You could easily deter wasps by purchasing decorative fake or decoy wasp nests. They can be purchased from your local home improvement store. Place these nests in and around the areas you least want wasp activities to deter them.

Wasps also avoid certain plants. Planting these types of plants in between other plants in your garden is a great way of ensuring wasps don’t visit your property. Spearmint, eucalyptus and lemon grass are just a few examples of plants that deter wasps. In addition to naturally repelling wasps, they add beauty to your garden.

Wasps are also known to stay clear of certain types of oils. They also seem to hate any type of mint. Using peppermint oil can be an effective way of repelling wasps. What you need to do is add a few drops of the oil on a cotton ball and place it strategically around areas that are known to have wasp activities.

In case you have been trying to prevent wasps from entering the house with no luck, it might be a wise decision to get help from your wasp removal Toronto service. They will easily and effectively help you prevent wasps from invading your living areas the right way.

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